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How to manage online learning for your kids
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, schools have to postpone the opening of the new semester to July and if the situation is not getting better at that time, online learning will be considered and applied to students. This is not only happening in Thailand, but most countries also go online. The Covid-19 outbreak is inevitable, so we have to take care and utilize the online study for our kids.
Limit the screen time
The Royal College of Pediatricians of Thailand & the Pediatric Society of Thailand's announcement suggests that daily online studies for small children who are under 6 years old and elementary school children should not look at screens for more than 1 hour and 2 hours, respectively. However, in this necessary situation, flexibility in the elementary school kids has to be applied but time management is still necessary. Doing exercises and reading books is also needed. Nevertheless, for the small children, it still should be fixed at 1 hour. Also, if the online study pattern does not benefit the development of small children such as too much academic content, then the online study should be avoided.
Manage equipment and environment for the safest eyesight
Online equipment whether screen monitor, computer, notebook, tablet, and mobile phone influences kids’ eyesight health. Learning by looking at a large screen will help reduce too much focus on the screen. The important thing is to keep the distance between a head and a screen around 50 centimeters which is the optimized distance and less direct contact to the screen light. Moreover, reduction of screen brightness and not too dark room are supervised. Sitting in with high brightness and dark room will affect the eyesight. Installing the screen filter or anti-UV glasses is another way to take care of eye health.
Let kids doing exercise
Actually, going to school is not only about studying but also doing activities with friends which helps them stay healthy. So, changing the pattern to online study at home is not composed with this factor due to Covid-19. Kids may be bored. In the break time or after class, bringing kids to the sunlight, running, cycling or any activities will compensate for playing with friends at schools.
Organize some online hangout activity
From the previous topic, like adults, kids need to socialize and theirs are talking and playing with friends at school. When this thing is gone, kids will feel like their lives are not the same and become lonely. So, technology can be a tool to connect with their friends. Parents may organize the online hangout via application to let their kids talk, share and see each other to reduce their loneliness. Moreover, organizing online studies with their close friends will make them feel like studying at school and encourage them to study online.
Support online studying
Because online studying has never happened before, kids have to change themselves like adults who need to work from home. Parents are the important factor to support and encourage their kids to be more familiar with this change. Sitting with them for the first time makes them more confident and less worried. Also, talking to each other and accepting their opinion about online study then sharing it with teachers for the most suitable teaching pattern will create the most benefit to kids.
The Covid-19 outbreak widely affected the economy and society. However, kids studying need to be continued this July. Until that time, tuition fees are a large burden that we need to pay. During this tough time, Speedy Cash e-Card for 24-hour cash with 0% interest rate for 3-statement may be needed. It is easy to apply via SCB EASY application and it will help you get through this hard time. Click -Here- for more information
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