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Fast and easy cashless solution
* The technical name for the Business QR Payment is "QR Tag30," which is available only for a juristic person. An individual is eligible for a QR Tag29. The difference is that a QR Tag30 enables a payment report that can be reconciled with the company's bank account. The report can be downloaded from SCB Business Net. A QR Tag29 is a normal account transfer receipt and does not enable a report for reconciling account balance.
Convenient, fast, secure
Reduces use of cash
Receive payment from any bank
Get immediate confirmation of payment
Get report for easy account reconciliation
You can use multiple biller I.D. numbers to receive payments under the same account
Convenient: Reduce the hassle of handling cash.
Simple : You can register the service with only a single bank, yet you can receive payments from all banks.
Fast : Get paid the same day.
Flexible: You can download payment information and reports in real time in TXT, CSV and PDF formats.
Save time and cost. Reduce payment-related risk.