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SCB Direct Debit
Collect payments quickly with automatic direct debits
SCB Direct Debit service is a powerful payment gateway that automatically deducts payments from the deposit accounts of your retail customers. SCB facilitates the direct debits, instantly transfers all payments to your company’s account and provides a summary report.
Schedules direct debits from customers’ deposit accounts and instantly deposits payments to your company’s account. You can conveniently review direct debit status online via SCB Business Net.
Facilitates direct debits on an unlimited intra-day basis or on a scheduled basis up to 99 days in advance
Allows you to pre-specify payment conditions: full, partial or fee-deducted
Payers can easily register via SCB’s electronic payment channels, i.e., ATMs, SCB Easy Net or SCB Call Center
Safeguard your data by submitting all direct debit requests and transaction approvals online via SCB Business Net
SMS alerts are sent to payers before and after direct debit transaction (for subscribers of SCB SMS Sabai Jai service)
Convenient Collect a large volume of payments with single direct debit request. Collect scheduled payments with ease.
Saves cost Streamlines administration, saving cost and time for billing and collection
Comprehensive data Provides a comprehensive debit summary report online in TXT or PDF format via SCB Business Net