Product Detail

Product Detail

Business PromptPay is a new alternative payment service for any business or entity registered as a company. Your firm can give customers its tax I.D. number for money transfers instead of your bank account number. Business PromptPay facilitates transfers via electronic channels for much lower fees than traditional remittance services. It makes banking easier and safer.


Faster and easier than using cheques

Reduces costs, increases business agility

Handles transaction of any size up to 2 million baht for transfer or payment by any juristic person to your company



Easy I.D .: Receive money transfers from individuals and companies using only your company's tax I.D. instead of bank account number.

Increase opportunities: Your company can grow more easily because customers and partners can make payments conveniently and quickly, with lower fees and less administrative cost.  

Convenient: It's easier and faster to get paid whenever the government owes your company a tax refund or other payment.

Streamline: Your company doesn't need multiple bank accounts to accept payments for goods and services. Now it's easier to reconcile your account balance.

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