5 ways to save water and handle drought

From the Meteorological Department predicted that by 2020, Thailand will face the worst drought in 40 years due to rain will be delayed. Causing the canal water source to have less water affecting the quantity of tap water production for household consumption the economical use of water is something we can all help each other to alleviate the effects of drought. Suggested techniques for using water in daily life that is not difficult. But can save a lot of water


Change a water container instead of leaving the water flowing

For daily activities such as brushing teeth, shaving, washing dishes, washing vegetables, fruits, car washing, etc., we should use water with a container. Then turn off the water immediately Instead of opening the tap to let the water flow From the Metropolitan Waterworks Authority data, it was found that brushing teeth by placing water in a container using approximately 0.5-1 liters of water, but if the water is discharged throughout the conversion, the teeth will use up to 20-30 liters of water per time while washing dishes, washing vegetables. Fruit, if not using a container of water There will be about 9 liters of water flowing per minute and will be able to save more water. If we use paper to wipe the dirt of the crockery before washing Because it does not have to change the water frequently as for car washing then wash by pouring water into the bucket Will help save more water than using a hose of 150-200 liters at a time

Take a shower not longer than 5 minutes

This may offend people who like to shower for a long time. But believe that 5 minutes is the right time to shower clean with a shower. Which will use about 50 liters of water at a time (also need to turn off the water while washing the soap), and even using a small hole shower will save more water. In contrast, bathing in a bathtub requires 110-200 liters of water.

Reduce the amount of water in the tank with water bottles

Tricks that will help us save toilet flushing fluid each time Is to put a 1.5-liter water bottle (or as appropriate to the size of the water tank) to replace the water in the tank This method will help reduce the use of flush toilets water each time. Can save 1 to 1.5 liters of water at a time. However, be sure that the amount of water remaining is sufficient and the flow is strong enough to clean the toilet. If the amount of water is too small or too weak, switch to smaller bottle size. Because it is important that cleanliness is important And be careful not to allow the water bottle to block the open-close of the float Because if the float ball is not well-closed or damaged, it will cause up to 30,000 liters of water per month to consume more water than before.

Modify methods for watering plants.

For tree, lovers Suggest changing from using a hose to a watering shower. If it is a wide area, use a sprinkler. In addition, watering plants in the morning when the weather is still not hot. Because of the low evaporation of water, the water will stay in the soil for a long time. And using the remaining water from various activities in the house to water the plants is even more water-saving.

Examine faucets and water pipes regularly.

This is a point that many people tend to overlook. Come to know again, the bill of water bill has already spilled Observing the sound of drips the sound of the water pump goes without using water. If there is a leak in the house Test by closing all the water tap. And see if the meter is still rotating or not If the water meter is still running, then the water pipe is likely to leak. Regular inspection of faucets and water pipes Will help us know the abnormality and will quickly fix it Because the amount of water that flows is quite small for example, 1 leak of water pipe loses 1,500 liters of water per month. The tap has dripping water all the time, causing 1,500 liters of water to drain per month. Consumes over 10,000 liters of water per month and if you have to go for a long time the water valve should be closed before leaving the house to ensure there is no drainage.

Just a few modifications Can save a lot of water use and also reduce wasteful use of water resources And of course, the bill of water bill will decrease Can save many baht per month Which will now pay the water bill Or other utility bills Then don't have to go outside to pay Because it can be paid via the SCB EASY app. Click to pay on every bill Convenient, anytime, for details. Click



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