How to Work From Home for a good mind health.

In a situation where the Covid-19 virus Still spreading Causing people to keep themselves at home and work from home (Work from Home (WFH) starts 2-3 weeks, some people may start to feel strange, bored, bored, depressed, which is not uncommon. The analysis of psychological experts indicates that working with WFM for a long time. Affecting mental health Especially during this time of theovic-19 virus crisis, good mental health care is very important. Suggesting ways to look after mental health in situations that require work from home

1. Explore whether these symptoms are present or not?

First of all, notice that you have these symptoms: loneliness, loneliness, separation from others. Can't stop thinking about work There is a problem with job priorities. Feel unsure whether the results are good or not. cannot sleep if you start to feel more like this. It means that our mental health has started to have problems.

2.  Schedule daily activities

Notice that the time at home is always faster than at work, so setting up your life schedule and following the plan strictly not only allows WFH to be effective by clearing tasks to finish each day. Not to have leftover But also helps to manage life, work time, and personal time better Having a definite time to start work and quit work will prevent work from being intrusive into family time. You will be able to fully switch off work and rest.

3. Do not work in the bedroom

This is very important. There are studies showing that WFH interferes with sleep. Because people can't cutwork from the brain the more work you do in your bedroom, the more you can't sleep. There should be a dedicated office or work zone, which is enough to stop working. Then went out from there to not think about work again Especially if, in a house that has many WFHs, it should have their work zone so that they don't interfere with each other.

4. Communicate frequently with colleagues

We often communicate with colleagues. Whether it is an online meeting through various apps Or sending messages via LINE will increase enthusiasm for work and maintain good relations with the team. Importantly, communicating with others will help us to less stress, which directly affects work efficiency.

5. Use things that are fond of the mind

Although we may have to face stress from the WFH, after the time has ended, we have to find something to heal the mind to relieve stress. If you are a person to eat, find delicious food. To make nutrition Who likes to exercise, go to the fullest. Or sometimes, taking a rest to see the view of the green garden, flowers, and grass outside can be incredibly relaxing. In addition, thinking about the good side of WFH like not having to get up early. Do not have to be an adventurous, traffic jam, save time, travel expenses, etc. It is another way to help us adjust the mind to the current situation better.
