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How important is it to cultivating children to be Global Citizens in the digital age?
As a child, everyone used to play rock-paper-scissors. And this kind of play is not only available in Thailand, but children in other countries also compete with hammer, scissors, and paper in different names. If you compare childhood games like media that present the digital world nowadays, we can see that no matter which angle One set of cultures could easily move to influence another world. Cultivating children to be Global Citizens It doesn't have to be in the original definition. like sending children to study abroad always just gradually Raise awareness of some important things. This will lay the foundation for him to be a global citizen ready to move with the dynamics of the digital age. And it's a valuable growth as well.
• What is a global citizen?
Is a concept that believes that the individual Wherever you are in the world under different environments They are all considered part of the global community. where the person feels that involvement until brought to the idea of ​​taking responsibility for their own actions that will affect the progress of the world
Even the realization of being a global citizen It does not mean that the individual must give up his nationality. but always giving understanding to recognize and prioritize the interests of the world. Because that sense of responsibility extends beyond the boundaries of one's own residence. However, attitudes towards global citizenship vary from period to time.
This can be seen in recent social trends, such as the #Metoo campaign that discusses sexual harassment or #StopAsianHate. against Asian racism, etc.
• Citizenship Responsibilities
Are various actions for the community to be successful, such as doing activities for the public benefit such as helping to clean public areas. Caring for the elderly and the underprivileged Donate food and items to charities If training children began to look beyond the framework of self-interest to spread the people around It will be the first step towards becoming a global citizen. And it also helps to bring children out to have activities in the real world. not only in the virtual world
• Multicultural awareness
Realize that the world is made up of different cultures. and know how to learn and respect others whether it is race, language, food, religion, politics and government history basics of living to a family that is different from ours by focusing on maintaining unique values ​​that everyone should maintain To make the world retain that diversity.
We may instill in the children Appreciate these values ​​by doing exchange activities or crossing over to learn different cultures. For example, among the more than 6,000 local languages ​​around the world, you may try to choose the language of interest and build on to know that country. come up to learn or try to open your mind to study the history of other world communities.
By leveraging online platforms that provide interactive activities to connect with children around the world. and teach them to be open-minded about diversity in a context that is relevant to the present as well, such as accepting gender diversity. rights and gender equality, etc.
• Realize the value of the environment.
Cultivating children and youth as global citizens who care about the environment It is one of the hopes that drives long-term solutions facing the world at the same time, such as climate change. which is not far off in any way.
When people all over the world are exposed to natural abnormalities that have come to them, such as extreme heat. With the rising global temperature from greenhouse gas emissions, if children learn and receive information from a young age that they can either increase or reduce the burden on the planet. world citizenship in this It can be considered as useful in the overall picture.
• Understand the possibilities of the global economy
Because nowadays almost every country is an open economy. It is necessary to rely on the international economy through the export and trading of raw materials and commodities. including currency exchange Investing in both traditional and digital assets to exchange through tourism
Therefore, we should make children aware of where their country stands on the chessboard known as the World Economic Forum. and how their current consumption and consumption are related to the internal manufacturing sector or from abroad? Build a career or nurture any part of the world? This will further increase awareness and participation in the global citizen base.
Cultivating children and youth on global citizenship It not only improves the quality of society. But at the end of the day, the individual level has such a strong consciousness in his heart. will be able to grow and adapt to society better because there is both understanding and compassion for others not only looking at a narrow angle that only personal interests