Products and Service for Business
Decoding the female CEO who transformed the organization to success
In Asia Thailand is the top country. that accepts and opens up the potential of women This can be seen from the presence of women holding important national positions. Including women who are senior executives in both public and private organizations. Here are two outstanding women behind their success in fashion and e-commerce. that has been accepted as Women at the forefront of the industry with tips for managing the organization Along with balancing family life in her own way. Khun Kornkanok Sawangruamchok, CEO of SHU GLOBAL Co., Ltd. and Khun Kulthirat Phakawat Krailet Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Thailand e-Business Center (TeC), the first female president of the Thai Electronic Operators Association or Thailand E-Commerce Association (THECA: Thai e-Commerce Association). have shared experiences The participants of the NIA X SCB Innovation-Based Enterprise (IBE) course, Class 4, Innovative Woman Enterprise, are as follows.
From a poor girl to a global fashion brand executive
A differcult life led her into a business path, just to want to make money to send herself to study. That's the beginning of a strong female CEO named Khun Kornkanok Sawangruamchok (Khun Po) of SHU GLOBAL Company Limited. A fashion brand that wins the hearts of both Thai and international customers. Khun Por said “I started doing fashion brands when I was a student at Chulalongkorn University. By designing products to be sold in various stores and saving money until being able to open her own shop when he was in the fourth year. But then running a business is like playing a rollercoaster. With both ups and downs, in 2011, Khun Po met another test. that is heavy to the point that it is almost ruined Only 7 months of business working capital left.
then expanded branches throughout Siam But then came the test of strength. When the economic crisis store sales fall Plus, there are people copying the products to sell, so they find a way out by copying their own products. and sell them at a lower price until the business can revive again. Worse yet, an accident broke his ankle. Causing to design shoes for self-healing even if the sky is dark But there is also light The self-healing shoe became the birthplace of SOFA SHU, SHU GLOBAL's signature shoe, which accounted for 50% of the brand's total revenue.
How to build a brand to be popular and famous among celebrities
The origin of the creation of the SHU GLOBAL brand, Khun Por said that The aim of building a brand is to make SHU be loved by everyone. And everyone loves the essence of SHU. The essence of SHU is that we will be Sensational, Empowering and You can't miss. With the vision that we will be a Global Brand with a image of International, we will be a Brand for Everyday that is comfortable to wear every day and we will be a Brand for Everyone. Today, in addition to shoes being the flagship product of SHU GLOBAL, there are also fashion product groups including bags, clothes, perfumes, and businesses in the Food group. & Beverage as well. Khun Por also said that To build a brand to the international level. Strategy is required. For example, making special edition shoes for world-class celebrities to use. or sending shoes to celebrities to try on without any cost It's like bartering between each other. The secret that makes world-class celebrities agree to wear SHU's shoes is 1. Products must be good and meet the requirements. 2. have an ingenious negotiation technique 3. Pay attention to the packaging and 4. Use a PR Firm abroad.
In summary, what makes it possible to overcome obstacles is to build a strong brand, positioning clearly what the identity of the brand is, which will make 1. Free from price wars. 2. have more sales 3. Beautiful, can choose (Can choose who to do business with) 4. Attractive to investors and 5. Customer Royalty
Perspectives of female CEOs in the fashion industry
As a person who built his own business since his school days, being a CEO has something to challenge all the time. how to overcome obstacles each time even if struggling But as time passed, we grew up. making the picture wider and more round. Now want to do something to make your business stable and sustainable? Khun Por has the advantage of running a business like raising a child. “We raise our children because we want to see them grow. I want my child to grow up with goals. useful Valuable and still more loved than despised. And we don't raise children so that they can go out and earn a lot of money. Just like building the SHU brand, we don't just create products and services. But we build a brand to bring the best.”
A strong woman who stands on top, nicknamed "Prime Minster Angle" in the digital and e-commerce industry in Thailand
Khun Kulthiat Phakawat Krailet (Khu Mint), Chief Executive Officr (CEO) of Thailand e-Business Center (TeC) and the first woman to be president of the Thai Electronic Entrepreneurs Association or Thailand E-Commerce Association (THECA: Thai). e-Commerce Association) in the past 17 years said that being both the CEO and the president of the association Including being the head of the family for the three children. It's very challenging. But I will do my best today. Standing in a business where men are quite strong It forces us to constantly develop ourselves. Although most men have good Logical Thinking, women also have Emotional Intelligence as an advantage in dealing with difficult issues if they have different opinions about work. We must have a straightforward discussion about ego reduction in order to achieve the best results in the business world. and with the digital society.
Share Lessons Using KOL: Key Opinion Leader How are Online Influencers in China Today? Including taking Thai businesses to soar far in the land of the dragon
Khun Mint shared her experience about the KOL career in China that KOL is considered an influential force in online sales. Ecommerce is huge. At present, there are more than 150 million KOLs with live selling accounts and 10 million accounts selling live for more than 15 hours a day. That means KOL is a regular job that generates a substantial income. And it's a great way to sell products to business owners. Therefore, the KOL in China is a powerful influencer in decision-making. You can choose to accept or not accept the product to live and sell. Khun Mint has summarized from direct experience, “9 rules that will make KOL live sell things in China. then succeeded" that can be applied in Thailand as follows:
1. Choose products that match the image and branding of KOL.
· Followers’ Interest: View followers' interests. If the product is not, then the sale of the product is not accepted (Followers' Interest).
· Products’ knowledge: Must have knowledge of the products to be sold.
. Products pricing and Average Basket Size: View product price ranges and basket sizes that followers will make an easy decision to buy immediately (Products pricing and Average Basket Size).
2. Choose products to bring to the live to be interesting and people can follow throughout the live.
· Varieties Life sells products per day with a variety.
· Products’ packaging and logistic channels
· Quality of products
3. Supporting factors
· e-Marketplace channels
. Product delivery and after-sales service For example, a serious live is a live of 1 person with someone in front of the house. There will be at least 6 people supporting the back of the house, which is a real business team.
· Incentive/ Commission of successful conversion rates
How to make your work happy and your family happy?
As a single mother with three children, Khun Mint said that despite working like crazy from Monday to Friday. But having to take on the role of a mother every day, especially on Saturdays and Sundays, will try to be with the children and family and will not apply other people's norms or standards of "Work Life Balance" to themselves. but to focus on family and myself By using the criteria that are measured by waking up each day. We will always be able to have a smile for ourselves. Have positive energy for our loved ones, that is "Work Life Balance in the style of Khun Mint"
For Khun Por she said that I admit that nowadays I still don't have a Work Life Balance because I am speeding up my business. because they do not know what will happen to themselves in the future Therefore, I want to accomplish everything while I still have energy. Therefore, I try to blend work into my lifestyle. There is a mindset that work is not work. and will make yourself not feel tired And when I have time, I will be full with my child. Raising children will focus on mindset. If a child has a good mindset, doing anything will be fine
When asked if, as a CEO, he had to send power to his subordinates. As a mother, I have to give power to my child. And if you are born exhausted, what will you do?
Khun Por said “In the past, I have never been discouraged because I knew that Every problem has a solution. But if they can't find a way out, they'll let go. then start again But admit that there are times when physically and mentally tired because the body deteriorates with age. If something is not understood, it will continue to learn. For example, I'm not good at People Skill, I fix it by going to a training course. to bring up the potential of the team Maybe if other people can't adjust adjusted to their own point of view Try looking on the other side to see a different view instead.
As Khun Mint said “The team teaches us the Japanese norm called “wabi sabi”. Let us enjoy the little things every day, be thankful for things. around us It will invigorate the mind. Khun Mint will tell herself that 1. Don't be stressed. You can smile like crazy sometimes. 2. Secretly be happy with the little things every day. 3. Stay with yourself. 4. Eat until you are full. 5. Talk to your close friends. 6. Nothing is easy or difficult in life, it depends on the point of view. 7. Looking negative, looking positive is okay. but in the end We must smile to ourselves. and love yourself more and more every day.
When 55 years old, where do you want to see yourself? What do you do?
Khun Mint told about A note that changed my mind forever. “One of the managers wrote me a note saying, Khun Mint has done her best. I want Khun Mint to feel proud of herself now. I want Khun Mint to try to release a small identity. of yourself out.” Because a small piece of paper that day Makes you mint feel like you've been reborn. Because all my life I have done everything for others. do whatever you want without having to care about anyone's voice And as a mother, I want my children to be proud of us. My goal is to want to leave this world while my child can take care of himself. Then we can help others as much as we can. Who knows or doesn't know, it doesn't matter.”
Khun Por said I want to be someone who gives others the opportunity to grow. I want to create an old person who has been with us for a long time. By developing his potential to step up to a higher point. Because nowadays the company is growing very fast. Causing to look for new people to strengthen the army But the old people must not abandon them. How to upskill the old one? Continue to develop. This is what I want to achieve.
Although Khun Por and Khun Mint are CEOs in different businesses. different industries But there is one thing they have in common: strong leadership. Ready to face problems and obstacles with a Growth Mindset that is optimistic. I believe that you can fall and get up. believe in people's potential and have a heart that wants to share ready to help others This is something that can be felt from the perspectives and ideas of these two talented and strong female CEOs.
Source: NIA X SCB Innovation-Based Enterprise (IBE), Class 4, Innovative Woman Enterprise, to develop the potential of Thai women entrepreneurs who own small and medium-sized businesses, February 1, 2023.