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How to close sales at the top level, make sales hit the B2B market
When you get a lead, how will you close the man? The person who messaged the inbox and the person who bought it may be a different story. Khun Kritnan Wirotsailee (Lek), owner of the Sales 101 page, delves into Turn Lead into Sales, techniques for generating sales. Principles of verbal communication to close the sale. Effectively communicate with the received leads
Solution Selling Close the sale with Solution Selling
B2B Market Overview Today is the market where consumers make decisions about purchasing products and services at their fingertips. Especially products with high Commodity level, low switching cost, customers can easily change suppliers of goods and services. Therefore, Khun Kritnan sees that the long-term sustainable way of B2B business is to sell Solution (Solution Selling). For example, office furniture business. which if selling the furniture alone There are many similar products. and unable to compete with large operators at lower costs. But if changing the method from selling furniture to selling as Solution Selling, it solves the Pain Point problems that organizations often must face. such as chaos Too many steps Difficulty in coordination, delays, slow operations, long waiting times by selling Office Furniture Solution, selling peace of mind, easy, fast, not furniture that is a commodity product.
In Kirtman’s view, Solution Selling is a highly flexible strategy that small business operators can use to compete with larger businesses.
3 Principles and order of presentation of Solution Selling
1) Identify customer problems or what makes customers better: Successful sales are not about offering advantages. Product features (Feature), but it is said that it will come to solve the customer's problem. how to make life better. Mr. Kritnan recommends starting with Pain Points, which are of two types: 100% targeting customers, finding Pain Points of common customers in the industry. Another method is to ask for pain points for each customer.
2) present a solution or make life better (Benefit): This is different from how good a product is. What you can do (Feature) by presenting Benefit is a technique used by successful global salespeople. According to the survey, salespeople spend almost 40% less time talking about features than average salespeople. Spending more time talking about Benefit than talking about features will make the presenter look like a brochure. annoy the listeners because these stories can be read by themselves. In addition to Benefit, there must be a point of difference. superior to other competitors If something is missing, we must compete on price. This may cause the business to lose in the purchasing process. Businesses need both Benefit and these two differences must come together. which will make customers decide to buy our services There is a higher chance of closing the sale. and our business will come out of the Commodity
3) Selling Trust: After item 2 has been presented, most of the customers will be wondering if we can do what we offer. Khun Kritnan suggested a solution in psychology that Must hurry to sell trust before customers have doubts Because it will have a huge effect on the trust and decision of the customers. There are 7 ways to sell trust:
· Reference: Before & After ที่ชัดเจน It's not just about putting on the customer's logo. But we need to find clients with similar backgrounds to the clients we are offering. and try to tell the story clearly to show the before & after picture
· See the real thing: Bring a sample product to see. Look at the job site Take a real case example.
· Paperwork: Summarize the speech in writing. make it more reliable
· Certificate & Lab Test: Quality assurance from an impartial agency
· Production Line: take a tour of the factory build confidence for customers to check
· Presentation, accepting weaknesses: It is a psychological trick for customers to feel that the presenters are sincere. But it must use disadvantages that do not have too much impact that leads to rejection of customers.
Why don't customers buy from us?
One of the reasons that customers do not buy products from us Caused by follow-up based on Mike Brook collecting statistics on the side of the salesperson found that 48% offered products and services but never followed up 25% followed once, 12% followed 2 times and quit 10% followed up. 2 rounds. But statistics on the customer side show that 2% of customers accept the condition and buy now, 3% buy after being followed once, 5% buy after being followed twice, 10% buy after being followed 3 times, that is, 80% of customers will buy after being followed. Followed more than 3 times.
Khun Kritnan concluded that salespeople do not follow customers. As for the customers, if they don't follow, they don't decide to buy. The heart that customers do not buy is that we do not follow customers However, there is a thin line. during the follow-up at the appropriate level. with pecking until customers feel bad Tracking is therefore not a matter of quantity alone. but by following the quality too
According to the customer, how to close the sale
The most important asset of sales Not only sales but it's about acquiring a loyal customer base that is ready to come back to buy again all the time. and tell others to come and buy with us Khun Kritnan summed up the key to follow-up sales that still maintain good customer feelings with 2 principles as follows:
· Next Step & When: every time you follow a customer. Must let customers know before disbanding that follow-up will occur. for example, before hanging up before leaving the client's office Because according to psychology If the customer knows that there will be a follow-up Customers will feel welcome, but if they don't let them know in advance and call them. Customers will feel that they are being followed.
· Next Step = Customer Benefit: Customers must receive Benefit from following us, such as customer convenience. This will increase the chances of closing the sale. especially in potential customers
Khun Krittanan concluded that presenting to customers starts with 3 principles: Solution Selling: find customer problems, present solutions, build trust. and must be followed Because in a B2B business model, purchasing decisions are not made from a single conversation, so follow up and follow up are important. And entrepreneurs must come back and review, “In the past, our business couldn't close the sale. because our products are expensive or because we haven't done what we've said?”
Source: Webinar, SCB IEP Project, Model 17 B2B Digital Commerce: Turn Lead into Sales on May 26, 2022
ที่มา : สัมมนาออนไลน์ โครงการ SCB IEP รุ่นที่ 17 B2B Digital Commerce : Turn Lead into Sales วันที่ 26 พฤษภาคม 2565