Design Thinking Creativity skills to drive organizations to keep up with the changing world

“Many people understand that Design Thinking is a process, so they often ask for steps on how to do it. But when applied it may not be right or not suitable for that. Because in fact Design Thinking is a skill that even if you don't know how to But when doing and practice regularly This is part of the knowledge and ideas that Khun Kaweewut Tempuwapat, Chief Executive Officer of AISCB, has shared at the event. Seminar course “Mission X” The Boot Camp pf Advanced Corporate Transformation 4th edition

Khun Kaweewut gives an example of Design Thinking's science that is like riding a bicycle. No matter how many books we read on how to ride a bike but if you don't try to ride There is no way to capture that. How to make a bike ride? Not afraid to fall. Keep practicing, it will become a skill that will be with us forever.


Concept of working in Design Thinking


From his experience in the Design Thinking classroom at Stanford, Kaweewut said that Design Thinking's classes are open to recruiting students from different faculties to study together, such as engineering, doctors, teachers, administration, psychology, or design because the most important thing of Design Thinking that causes innovation is thinking outside the box from creating Diversity. Let people who are different together Which always brings new ideas to come and is also the core concept of Agile work as well. But the gathering of people who are different There may be some conflicts. Therefore, the duty of a leader is to manage differences. Choose ideas that are clear and appropriate. applied to work which if any organization tries to avoid because he did not want to cause conflict It may not generate new ideas for innovation

3-step ladder design thinking

1.      Empathize & Define

Finding the right problem to use in solving the problem is the core of Design Thinking. Usually if we get a problem that is clear It will be able to solve problems correctly and quickly. but must admit Business problems in real life are not always clear, so it is a challenge for the organization. In the selection of people who are suitable for finding the problem. And it is essential to have skills like empathy or understanding of other people's perspectives. especially in the target audience which has 3 principles:

·       Observe

·       Immerse

·       Interview

1.      Ideate

Born from the word Idea + Create, it is a collection of ideas, brainstorming, brainstorming to solve problems. to create thinking outside the box the principle used around the world is Good ideas seem like a bad idea. What seems impossible today can be a successful new idea in the future. Most of the good ideas don't come from the meeting room. It can happen during bath time, running, or chatting with friends. Ideas are recurring, but have we taken note? and the important thing is How to use those ideas Context is important. Generally, the proposals are divided into two groups:

·       Create Choices: They are Creative Thinking, with a lot of opinions. Do it or not, I don't know but say it first

·       Make Choices or Criticize is a Critical Thinking. Comment on what you think is right. and think the best and likes to criticize others


But Design Thinking always says that the best way to get a good idea is to have a lot of ideas. to have a lot of ideas This is in line with the Brainstorm Rules from the Design School of K. Kaweewut. Pick up and say 2 things: Go for Quantity. If you must choose, choose quantity and Defer Judgment. Postpone your own opinion. Let others in the organization keep coming up with ideas. Don't be too quick to decide. Because new ideas are often fragile and ready to die. If someone interferes with the idea, then when there is a need for Brainstorming The duty of the leader must balance these two groups so that they can coexist in the meeting room.

3. Prototype & Test

Bringing a prototype or a solution to a problem to test and experiment with real problems. In a real environment, where a good prototype is to reach the action of the customer, not just words but expression, Kaweewut gives an example of Timothy Ferriss, author of the 4-hour work week. which at that time He had finished writing this book? but can't decide on the cover therefore made 4 books out of which the contents inside have not yet been printed. Covered with 4 types of covers and placed in the bookstore. On a shelf with similar books and secretly observe the behavior of customers in the store which cover to pick up the book from or not picking up a book at all. will return to design a new cover This is a good Prototype, Creativity based on Fail Fast, Fail Cheap. Experiment in real context. If an error occurs, I wish to be born soon the damage will be inexpensive.



Required skills in today's organization

1.      Ask

2.      Think

3.      Act


Approach the customer to further develop the organization

Because today's world is spinning so fast, we need to be closer, understand, and adapt to the customer. Design Thinking emphasizes the customer-centric approach to customer-centric work. Send employees to Ask / Think / Act for the organization to understand. Solve customer problems accurately and quickly. It will be able to lead the organization to move forward relentlessly.


Source: Seminar "Mission X" The Boot Camp pf Advanced Corporate Transformation Class 4: Design Thinking by Mr. Kaweewut Tempuwapat, Chief Executive Officer of AISCB, 19 July 2022