Warning! Make sure the slip is real or fake

Nowadays, most people conduct financial transactions through mobile banking, especially online merchants. When the customer agrees to buy the product, they often send money transfer slips into contact channels in a rush. Sometimes those transfer slips may be neglected to check thoroughly whether they are true. Because nowadays there is a way to fake the money transfer slip to look like the real thing. If you don't take a good look, you can easily become a victim. So, people have to know and see if the slip is real or fake. Here are some tips for checking and how to observe them:


Method 1: Check in SCB EASY App

> Access SCB EASY App

> Scan bill/QR payment

> Select the transfer slip that you want to verify

Method 2: Just add LINE SCB Connect
to get the notification service via SCB Connect. Money in and money out can be known immediately.

> Open the LINE application on your smartphone, search for “@SCB Connect” in Friend Search and “add friend”.

> Fill in your ID card or passport number This information will be used by the bank to verify whether the customer is a bank customer.

> Verify your identity by entering the phone number provided to the bank. The bank will then send an OTP for the customer to verify their identity again.

> Select the desired account to be notified of every movement for free!

Learn more about using the notification service via LINE SCB Connect at


Method 3 Check the transfer list on the website https://checkslip.scb.co.th

> Fill in details Reference code, origin account, amount, image code that appears.

In addition, the police also have advice on checking the transfer slip as follows:

• Try to notice the letters and numbers in the slip, especially the name of the transferor transfer amount, date-time of transfer. If it is fake, the fonts of letter or number may be different. In addition, notice the thickness of letters and numbers. If it is not equal, let's first suspect that it may be a fake slip.

• Test e-Slip by scanning QR CODE to check the name of the transferor, balance, date-time of transfer. If the name or money transfer date-time does not match or if the QR CODE is scanned and cannot be verified Let's first suspect that it may be a fake slip.

The thing to be careful is not to post photos of slips on social media. This is to prevent scammers from taking the picture to edit and can be used to deceive others.

It can be seen that online financial transactions have many advantages, especially in terms of comfort but users have to be especially careful. Because the convenience may cause us to fail to think and become a victim of scammers without knowing. More importantly, scammers still have many scams that are ready to lure victims to death. Closely monitoring the news of banks or government agencies will help to know how to prevent and various scams so that you do not fall victim to scammers and can make financial transactions online happily.