5 Pet Business Ideas to Get the Pet Humanization Trend

As social patterns change, people marry late, have fewer children, or choose not to have children, including having a family of same-sex couples and have more elderly people. The most important members of these families that are noticeable in increasing numbers are “pets” – dogs, cats or other pets. Coupled with the growing trend of Pet Humanization, the concept of "Pet Humanization" sees that having pets not to be raised in a way that was born in the past but the behavior of the owner raising the pet as if it were a child or family members and ready to spend on raising pets Such a trend As a result, pet-related businesses grow higher. And new business ideas come up. Let's take a look at 5 new pet business ideas that meet the needs of animal lovers.


1) Food Truck Fine Dining Pet Food: Providing healthy food for dogs. There is a menu of delicious handmade desserts for dogs to enjoy safely, such as Fido to go, a food truck that sells snacks, including cookies, ice cream, and gluten-free yogurt. It also has free from allergens available in the park so that the owner can stop by to buy food for the dog to eat on the way to walk and exercise. In addition to the food truck business for various brands of dogs in foreign countries, there is also a pet restaurant business that is not only where owners can bring their beloved pets to eat with them. But it is a restaurant that offers fine dining, luxurious meals for the little ones to be important customers. The owner is willing to pay for a special meal for these dear friends.

2) Organic Pet Snacks: In the days when organic food without foreign matter became popular. Pet owners who care about the health of their little friends. They also need pet treats that they are sure are safe. Free from ingredients that may be harmful to your beloved pet. The organic pet snacks business is another interesting business that will cater to the pet lovers market.

3) Pet Daycare: When a small child There is still a day care facility, so why can't some pets have them?! Pet Daycare is an emerging business abroad. when the owner has to go out to work during the day Adopting pets at Day Care with staff who specialize in animal care It's another way to make your best friend happier than to be left alone at home by meeting up and having fun with other pets. Run and play in a pet-friendly environment until grooming, spa treatment, etc. In the evening, the owner comes to pick me up. It's a business idea that really supports modern lifestyles

4) Travel Agent for Pets: When traveling abroad is a popular lifestyle activity, many people want to take their beloved pets on vacation. Or even relocating, wanting to carry a little family member to live in a new land together. But the cross-country travel of pets Each destination has different regulations. Travel Agent for Pets business or pet travel agency. So, it's another business idea to help eliminate the hassle of procedures and documents for pet owners and ensuring that the little ones arrive at their destination safely

5) Social Media Manager for Celeb Pets: Social media has made a lot of people famous including various pets. World famous celebrity pets like Nala cat has over 3.5 million IG followers Doug Pug has 3.1 million people. Japanese Shiba Marutaro tops. IG 2.6 million, or like in Thailand, well known as Gluta Story, Jonny Mae Supalak famous on social media with a lot of followers. Managing a celebrity pet's social media channels is another brilliant idea. Because celeb pets come in both social media owners and accounts, and professional social media teams. Helping celebrity pet owners create content, find sponsorships, can also be a way of doing business in the influencer world.

Explore the business opportunities that support the pet lovers market. If anyone wants to invest, open their own business but still stuck with funds, SCB Speedy Cash is another option to open your business. Click here to read more (link).
