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The Tubkaak Krabi Boutique Resort, when sustainability hotels struggle with waves that can't be seen
The terrible tsunami has not caused the injury as the invisible wave of COVID. Not only can't see, don't know where the end is. The Tubkaak Krabi Boutique Resort is one of the most romantic resorts in Krabi which received an award for outstanding design and environment. Also ranked in the "1,000 Places to see before you die" list. Emphasize in harmony with nature and maintain sustainability. What is the concept of managing here and dealing with the unseen wave of COVID? Today we will go back to the past from the beginning until it comes to preparing to welcome tourists to come back to recharge at this resort again. By talking to Khun Jan Rachakorn Nantavisai, a second-generation executive, who continues the passion of The Tubkaak Krabi Boutique Resort.
The starting point of the Green Boutique Resort
From the beginning, it was a dream of her mother who wants to run a hotel business. And took a boat to find a beautiful piece of land on Tub Kaek Beach. There are 13 islands in front of the beach to protect the wind, such as Hong Island, Koh Yao Noi, Koh Yao Yai, Lading Island, Pak Bia Island. Originally it is the beach that fishermen use to escape the storm because it is the only beach that is a curved cove that provides good protection from wind waves. Safe when there are monsoons, weak waves and can travel all year round. Which at that time there was no road to reach Peace and beauty, Jan’s Mother decided that she wanted a piece of land in the middle. Which is a beach with many big trees both the Krabi tree and other old trees. Therefore, a project to build this resort by trying to conserve trees as much as possible and maintain its complete naturalness.
Highlights of the resort that Must see before die
Khun Jan said that the highlight of this Thai Contemporary style resort is the preservation of nature. The resort is in harmony with nature, including the sea, mountains, tall trees. If you look at it from the sea, you can hardly see the resort because of the dense trees. Called it a real jewel during nature. In addition, the hotel also focuses on sustainability and going green. Here is a completely 0 waste resort. Leftover food and bark waste Leaf waste will be composted as organic fertilizer. Everything has been used in a complete cycle and help with cost savings. The fertilizers were then used to grow organic vegetables. Makes it possible to serve organic food that is clean and safe by Michelin-starred chefs to help select local ingredients for delicious food. Have a locality Thai style. Besides the beauty and safety from the wind waves that can travel all year round The resort also offers activities for visitors to do tirelessly, such as paddle boarding, kayaking, mangrove canoeing, yoga class, Pilates, tai chi, hiking to the park, Or taking a boat ride to various picturesque islands easily such as Hong Island, takes only 15 minutes. Another important highlight is local support. Using local ingredients, uphold Thai, and uphold Krabi. Promoting local food such as Tai Pla curry, rice with leaf neang with original flavor, and 80% of the employees are local people in Krabi.
Start making the name with word of mouth
Khun Jan said that to get people to know was originally used by the word of mouth. It is a warm feeling resort with only 59 rooms. Starting from foreigners Come from Europe and America as a couple. Or a group of friends who like nature, sea, mountains, romance, and warm hospitality. Also, the family group was impressed as the beach is calm and safe for children. When impressed this makes Tub Kaak famous for its naturalness and warm service.
The path to becoming a GM
Khun Jan said that he has been working since he was a trainee, working in every department a little bit of each one. Her mother said that Khun Jan was one of the employees and did not own or have any more privileges than others. In the first two years, she did not touch management at all. Work like other employees take care of guests, talked to guests every day to find what they liked or what they didn't like. Until the day she is really GM, things that talked to guests were used, and even today she was GM, still talking to guests regularly. Because customers are the ones who give feedback the best, seeing that hotel trends are going fast and must adjust every day. She said just start with small things and do it every day. When she was GM earlier due to her young age. Other staff members saw her as a child, and doubt that did they have to listen to her? But Khun Jan thought, listen or not was okay, but did her best. And allowed people with experience to share ideas for better work.
Addressing the invisible wave of COVID
Despite having encountered a giant wave like a tsunami that collapsed However, in a safe location, The Tubkaak Krabi Boutique Resort is rarely damaged by the tsunami. But when faced with a bigger but invisible wave-like COVID, Jan said it was a tough battle. “We still see what damage the waves hit it. But we cannot see COVID. We don't know when there will be another outbreak. Where will the virus be? "Jan said. Which causes the uncertainty of the travelers During COVID period, there are both cancellation and postponement of the stay. Originally 90% of the guests were foreigners, they had to change their marketing to the Thai market. Which seeks to promote Thai people to travel on the day of natural recovery she wants Thai people to see before anyone else. As for cash flow management Fortunately, months with no guests are only two, so there is enough cash. Plus, vouchers are sold to increase cash flow. People who subscribe to vouchers give hotels enough income to look after staff and cash to keep doing business.
Khun Jan said that during the past COVID I had never officially closed but turned off due to lack of guests. But in the last three months, I have rarely stopped work There are activities to do all the time by having staff help each other to renovate the hotel. Therefore, there were 50-60 employees circulating every day to improve the hotel. From the old day hotels that were always full didn’t have time but with can do now. As well as see new trends to support customer needs. And by the time the tourists return, the hotel is beautiful and ready to give happiness to the visitors again. The resort also has a social contribution program, "You’re our hero", where doctors in charge of COVID stay free for 3 days and 2 nights. Starting from 1 June 2020 to 30 September this year because the resort wants to repay all the doctors who sacrificed their hard work all along.
Marketing strategy adjustment
Marketing strategies such as sales via Line official have been adjusted, starting with the COVID period. There are many promotions. It was very successful, with lots of bookings and lots of questions. Khun Jan said that Thai people like to ask in order to be able to make good choices. That best meets your needs Therefore, there are online channels such as Facebook, IG, and Line that customers can buy directly. Inquire directly with the hotel. Which customers are more confident The direct purchase has been very positive this month. Originally selling through an agent through OTA but found that direct selling can personalize the customer to get what they really want. Because Online platforms can be sold as Personalize to people who inquire Gives them what they really want. It's a changing trend. You do not need to go through the OTA Platform because some promotions are not included in the OTA, but if you ask the hotel, there is certainly a good promotion.
Employees are the key to any business.
Jan said the most important thing in 95% of the hotel business is service. When the employee is happy, they will draw on them. The service will not be dropped. She sees that everyone has different strengths. So, trying to get the best out of him. When employees are happy, they use their own natural means to take care of their guests. As management, she has to encourage them to bring out good things, which makes the hotel different. During COVID, there is no policy for employees to leave. In addition, the resort provides employees with interest-free loans and does not have a time limit for them to pay back. Including helping them to have a job so that they can be encouraged When there is hotel staff, the hotel is ready to open as soon as the situation is resolved.
Preparation after loosening the lockdown
Khun Jan said that the TAT measures were strictly followed and various cleaning, self-protection of employees, and guests. Everything is cleaned well. A UV sterilizer is bought in the guest room. Follow the main measures on Social distancing. There is a limit to the number of guests in the restaurant. And in the swimming pool. Leaving a room vacant at least 24 hours before a new group of guests check-in. Bringing room amenities such as pillows, the blankets are sterilized. Where guests can be assured of safety and cleanliness standards.
Challenges in hotel management
Khun Jan thinks it is about changing platform to Digital, which previously thought it might be done in the next 3 years, but now it becomes digital is now. You must do it now. It is a challenge because it opened the hotel for 16 years and never changed the management team. Which still has good things That should be kept, but something better must be pulled into use. So, it is seen as a challenge to get customers to find a hotel on an online platform that is different from the traditional method used through an agent or OTA.
A long-term view of the hotel business
Khun Jan sees that people who are looking for experience, want to come to feel the things that pictures cannot give him. What did you get, what did you experience? The hotel started by adjusting the food, new menu adjustments. Let the guests feel the luxury of a community in authenticity. Vegetables, fruits, and seafood can be bought directly to the villagers. Really help the villagers Without going through the middleman. See how delivering these things creates mental value. "This vegetable is not available every day. But by chance, this grandpa had grown, and you ate it today,” Khun Jan said. Because it is delivered with a personalized sincerity and during the opening of the COVID does not have as many guests as before, personalized is something that can be done. Able to deliver something fresh and local.
Having a passion and a strong concept can make all the difference and make the hotel stand out. The focus on employees makes them happy to work, enabling them to deliver a warm and memorable service to their guests. Readiness to embrace change and move into new platforms. Making the business not lagging and able to reach new customers. That is what we learned from The Tubkaak Krabi Boutique Resort, one of the destinations that must be experienced before death.
Source: SCBTV “Vitamin Sea” The Unseen Luxury Nature on Facebook SCB Thailand 15 July 2020.