The Next Destination: The sun rises every day at "Sri Panwa".

"Sri Panwa", one of the top dream accommodations for both Thai and foreign tourists. With the charm of a quiet and private room surrounded by nature, the beauty of the sea, delicious food, and excellent service. Sri Panwa's rooms are always fully booked. Hotel management strategy in the style of Khun Worasit Issara (Plawan), Managing Director of Sri Panwa Management Company Limited, causing the hotel to grow steadily and has a distinctive identity. Especially during the COVID period in Phuket being locked down, what kind of way of thinking Khun Plawan had to deal with situations and how to manage hotel staff that entrepreneurs should study for the concept of doing business.


When "Sri Panwa" had to rest because of the coronavirus

Sri Panwa is a luxury pool villa style villa and hotel located on a private beach at the end of Cape Panwa in the southeast of Phuket Island on an area of over 80 rai. Located about 40-60 meters above sea level. With the beauty of one of the most beautiful views, as a result, Sri Panwa received awards from various institutions such as "Most Beautiful Hotel in the World" from Beach Tomato - The Best Beach Property Awards 2011, England. “One of the Three Best Beach Bars in the World” from CNN Go 2011, it's no surprise that it is the destination that travelers want to stay on top of Phuket

And when there is a COVID situation the country lockdown. How did Sri Panwa deal with this situation? Khun Plawan described when there was a coronavirus outbreak in China at that time, he totally overlooked the shock of what would happen next. Chinese tourists will shrink. Many rooms will be returned. And expected that COVID will spread all around. At that time, Khun Plawan had an idea that before the outbreak arrived in Thailand. Must be prepared to deal with this as soon as possible. First, reservations must be canceled from Chinese customers. Therefore, revised to be able to postpone the booking to reduce the booking refund. The second thing is How do I increase sales before the hotel closes? Therefore, thinking of doing a promotion to sell packages to Thai customers during school holidays Hurry to boost sales before locking down. Which has received a very good response with more than 180 packages. And when the outbreak occurs in Thailand, it must eventually close the hotel. For Khun Plawan he was very happy because in the 15 years he almost never stops. Therefore, turning the crisis into an opportunity, it is considered to renovate a new hotel, including painting, landscaping, adding air conditioning, etc.

As for the employees of the Sri Panwa Hotel Group with more than 800 lives, when there is no normal job to do, how did he manage human resources matters? “I didn't have to lay off people. But reducing salaries for both executives and employees by paying 35% and the reduction of working days. Some people asked to leave without pay because it is during school holidays so that they had the opportunity to take care of their children. In addition, there were more than 150 people attending the volunteer spirit to work in the garden. Including spending time during this period, train Japanese food chefs to make omakase even more delicious. This is a technique for coping with Sri Panwa's crisis: preparing the hotel and personnel to be ready to accommodate tourists after opening the lockdown.

Although Sri Panwa was shut down during COVID but never stop creating brand awareness in the online world. Khun Plawan said that 18 friends have migrated to Sri Panwa. So, I said that you can come and stay. But there is an issue that must be exchanged by posting or sharing various moments in Sri Panwa online. Because most of his friends are famous and have many followed numbers. To encourage people to want to stay after the coronavirus is over. Can say that he never let go of the opportunity to market even during COVID.

The most beautiful view in the world, the origin of "Sri Panwa"

Looking back at the origin of Sri Panwa Khun Plawan said at that time he worked abroad as a Property analyst. His father was currently planning to build 30 luxury villas for sale at 1 million US dollars each. So, I volunteered to take care of the project analysis. When I went to see the land with my father, I felt that it would be a pity if it was going to be a villa for sale alone. Because the view here is very beautiful, I want more people to see it. That was the source of the development of a holiday home project with a luxury hotel. At that time, Khun Plawan returned to work with his father, earning 25,000 baht, while working abroad earned £ 7,000 (equivalent to 270,000 baht in Thai money). But decided to come back because it is a family business. Finally proved his skill and accepted and became the head of the Sri Panwa management until now.

The idea of creating Sri Panwa Khun Plawan said wanted to create new things that Thailand has never had. Do you notice that 5-6-star hotels in Thailand tend to be very Thai? The staff wore Thai costumes and played Thai music. Like this, Thai people should not have come because they were bored. But Sri Panwa's positioning is different, it is still a luxury hotel with a touch of Thai style and warm family feeling. The fun-loving Thai DNA is inserted in a contemporary style and inserted into every detail of the hotel. This gives Sri Panwa an advantage that can attract both Thai and foreign tourists.

Baba Beach Club, the playful brother of Sri Panwa.

When Big Brother Sri Panwa was recognized as a high-end luxury hotel with excellent service. Ranked among the three best beach bars in the world and has been rated as the world's most beautiful hotel. For Khun Plawan did not stop there, he has a passion for music and socializing lifestyle. So, a new idea was born to create a hotel for people with lifestyles passionate about music, like to party under the concept of Music Lovers Hotel. The birth of Baba Beach Club Phuket and Hua Hin is a luxury beach club-style hotel and villa. Have a fun, cheerful, playful character. Khun Plawan said, “Baba Beach has a different atmosphere from Sri Panwa. Here the music is loud, colorful, lively, fun. The guests are artists. Party Lovers, Love Music, Love Hang Out. While Sri Panwa's personality is calmer and more private. Therefore, even choosing the staff Khun Plawan choose people to suit the character of the hotels. Like Baba Beach will be tough, while Sri Panwa will be an excellent student, everything must be precise.

From his love of music and wanted Baba Beach Club to be the Music Destination on a private beach. It is the origin of the beach music festival. This was very successful and received cooperation from all sectors both from the government and local people. Because it is an event that brings together music lovers from all over the world, it generates a huge amount of money flowing to the local and nearby communities. This is a supportive business that benefits all sectors and everyone in the community.

Dealer Warning Management Plawan Style

On the other hand, outsiders tend to see Khun Plawan as a fun party person, likes to hang out. But in the corner of being a luxury hotel manager Khun Plawan sees himself as a very fierce boss. "The subordinates looked at me as a mess. I'll play almost 70% of the brutal roles in hotel management. Like a military rule, can't miss, can't be lax. About work, I am very stuck and see every detail. I will give out a warning to employees on a regular basis, never letting go. Anything found that goes wrong will take a picture and send it to the group. For the first time wrong it is okay but for the second time being given a warning immediately. If the employees make mistakes, the managers will also be hit because they teach them badly. " Because he is a person with every detail sometimes, though, employees make mistakes and customers can't see them. If it was someone else, they might let it pass. But Khun Plawan will not let go. "I won't accept it. If I see an employee making a mistake, I'll be given a warning immediately."

Because the hotel has a large area of over 80 rai, he must control all spots strictly without passing through. Check every detail, when errors are found, must be corrected immediately. And because of taking care of business closely. Going to manage all departments in the hotel in a micro-management style, thus allowing him to interact with the team. Allowed him to know the strengths and weaknesses of his own and staff well. Therefore, KPIs are set up for employees to be alert and have common goals. Although the management is rigorous, on the other hand, Khun Plawan is close to the staff. “I am close to my employees like family members. Because I have been with employees for more than 15 years and will communicate with them regularly.”

Do not get bore on your own business

Luxury hotel management must maintain the highest standards of service and involve many people. The more hotels with an area larger than 80 rai, will have to face hundreds of obstacles every day. And is a luxury hotel with very high customer expectations. Mistakes must be zero. Causing a headache for Khun Plawan a lot. When asked if you feel bored or not Khun Plawan said "Do not give up in your own business. It's like not get sick of my girlfriend. Because I must take care of so many employees, the business must go on. And work is my life, I have a passion for my work. I made Sri Panwa what I can live in. I'll put myself as a benchmark and get it in the cheapest room. If I can't stay, I won't build it. I'm not going to sell my soul to do anything that isn't myself or for money.” This is what Khun Plawan has always held in his business, so it is no surprise that the hotels in the Sri Pan Group are recognized for both world-class standards and service.

Before leaving, Khun Plawan reminded the hotel businessmen during the COVID crisis that do not rely too much on the Chinese market, must leave the Comfort Zone, open a new market. Like the hotel sales team, I always say that Don't pretend Always be a hungry tiger, always seeking new opportunities. Because after opening the lockdown, Thailand will become the destiny that everyone wants to visit because we are the world's top country in controlling COVID. Thais are disciplined and support each other in times of crisis, something the world sees. Now, everything must be prepared in the hotel. In order to wait for the opening of tourists who will come to Thailand again.

Because of their dedication to building Sri Panwa as the best hotel with the most beautiful view, it's no surprise that Sri Panwa is a luxury hotel that travelers all over the world dream of visiting this hotel once in their lifetime.


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Source: SCB TV series, The Next Destination, episode "The sun rises every day" Khun Worasit Issara, Managing Director of Sri Panwa Management Co., Ltd. Look back on SCB Thailand.