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Anywhere with credit card!
After a long hard-working, planning for a trip to recharge yourself and find the new experience is a moment of our dream. Imagine a beautiful view to check in and put a picture on our social media, good food to try and do a lot of shopping helps us forget about all the work. After going to the same place for many years, it is time to go for the new destination, “Italy”. This country is also one of the leading countries in fashion design which many people have ever dreamt of and it is going to be true this year!
There are many things to think of before planning for your dream destination. One of them is airline selection. This mistake could make all things go wrong since the beginning. After searching for the flight to Milan, Italy, there are only Thai Airways who is the direct flight from Thailand. However, selecting flight with a few stops may help you from a boring flight and you can go shopping along the way. There are many famous airlines for your selection whether Qatar Airways, Emirate Airlines, Etihad Airlines, Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific Airlines and many more. Luckily, with SCB credit cards, you can book full service easily. No worries about traveling.
So, you already have the ticket, the next step is planning the trip. Looking at many reviews for accommodation, restaurants and shopping places. We will not miss the landmarks such as Milan Cathedral, Castello Sforzesco and the most important place, Corso Buenos Aires, the famous shopping street where brand names lie ahead. Moreover, you do not have to worry about payment at all because SCB credit card makes every spending around the world easier whether traveling, eating, and shopping.
The next thing is buying travel insurance. No matter how far and how long your trip is, it is better to have one. Due to sickness or accident is not what we expect, and it may cost us more than we think.
Walking passes the bank and decides to ask them about this travel insurance. They suggest us to buy from Chubb insurance which covers travel insurance whether life, sickness, flight or baggage delay. It starts from hundreds to thousands. Italy is the high cost of living country if anything happens the price will be also high. Spending every 1,000 Baht for buying travel insurance via every SCB branch with SCB credit card gets x10 points from 1 July 2019 - 30 September 2019.
To withdraw money from the account and bring it to exchange at any Exchange Booth in the airport may make you feel insecure. What should we do if we get caught or stolen on the way to exchange? However, do not worry, just bring your SCB credit card and easily exchange and make an installment payment. No matter what currency you need, you can pay with 0% interest for 3 months starting from 2,000 Baht and 4 months for exchanging over 100,000 Baht.
Wait! If you have accumulation points in your credit card and do not know what to redeem for. This is your chance to redeem your points which is 10% cashback. This seems like you got a discount for money exchange. So, we have all the money in our hands, and we are so ready to go!
After passing the customs at the airport, you will find all duty-free products in King Power Duty-Free. They are all so attractive whether perfume, cosmetics, clothes, shoes, bags, eyeglasses, watches, and popular jacket. This is so attempting, and our credit card is so ready to be swiped!
Another recommendation for every shopaholic traveler is SCB King Power Platinum credit card which escalates your trip to the next level because you will get 5 - 20% discount for every spending at King Power without no need to accumulating point for upgrading. Moreover, from 1 July 2019 - 30 September 2019, there is a special promotion for 2 -5% on-top discount for over than 15,000 Baht spending plus redeem credit card points as purchasing amount get 12% cashback. More and more discount! This is a must-have credit card! Register now, otherwise you may regret later.
So, you think this is all privilege? The answer is no! After walking and shopping, you must be tired and do not know where to rest? Welcome to the next privilege since you can enjoy delicious food and relax at King Power Lounge. And do not worry, said cardholders are allowed to bring along 1 guest. However, if you often travel as a group, it is better than half of your friends have this credit card. Finally, do not forget your departure time and let’s go to the next shopping paradise!
After taking a big nap, dining and watching movies along with the flight, we are arriving in Italy since early morning. We cannot wait to stretch out and feel the classic of Milan. So, the next station is to selfie with many amazing architectures, dive in the artist museum, try the original Italian recipe, sip coffee in the cool cafe and shopping world-class brand names at Corso Buenos Aires shopping street of Milan. There is a unique architecture along the street, and it is famous for the outdoor fair with many shops. We have only small cash but do not worry that other spending whether eating and shopping will be by SCB credit card. This is so good because you will get a maximum 45,000 Baht cash back for spending with foreign currency together with point accumulation. Also, do not forget to buy original premium brand names such as bags, shoes, clothes and many more. We do want to stay here and go shopping forever!
This is a fantastic trip and it was so short that we have to fly back. I do want to have more vacation days to stay longer. I am fulfilled and found a new experience with tons of photos to post on social media all year! Moreover, I did a lot of shopping, so our luggage weight almost exceeded the maximum, but it is now or never! Also, a credit card also almost exceed limit but who cares. I have all my favorites with point accumulation and cashback! This is totally worth it. However, I need to go back to make some more money and cannot wait for the next trip.
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Air ticket
Travel insurance
Credit card promotion
King Power
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