A ++, the standard Japanese taxi, neat and safe.

Reputed in Japan for neatness and exactness, the highest standards must come even a taxi. If it is our home, we would think that choosing to be a taxi driver is a simple matter. Just have a public car license and many people view it as a freelance job that you can do what you want. But Japan is the opposite, in order to pass the license examination test is very hard. When drive and have passenger has strict, daily inspection procedures for the safety of both passengers and the driver themselves. This article will talk about the safety standards for every step of taxis in the capital, Tokyo. After reading it, you must think in your mind that you want our taxi to have a high standard like this.

Currently, there are around 40,000 taxis in Tokyo, with around 70,000 taxi drivers. Taxis that run in Tokyo 70% belong to the company. The rest are private taxis like ours. Taxi drivers will have an annual income of 4.8 million yen, or about 1.45 million baht, which is about 120,000 baht per month. Nowadays, Tokyo also allows foreigners to become taxi drivers. Due to the high growth of tourism, the demand for taxi drivers who can communicate in other languages, especially English, is increasing. But those foreigners must be able to speak, read and write Japanese well and must pass all the tough exams in Japanese Like other Japanese people Without exception.


Taxi drivers in Tokyo require a special license. In large cities like Tokyo or Osaka Taxis must pass the test in the geography of the city, that is, to know all the streets, districts, shortcuts, traffic rules, and regulations, which takes many months to study to pass the exam. The exam in Tokyo is the most difficult because the city is more complex than in other cities. Even Japanese people are still very difficult to pass. After passing and working, there are still rules that must be followed every time when driving.

If anyone used to take a taxi in Japan, they will know that when called, the door will open automatically. Customers do not have to open and close the door themselves. In the car, there is a navigation system or GPS ready. Taxi fares in Tokyo start at 420 yen per kilometer. Most taxis accept credit cards or cashless payment terms. Japan doesn't have a taxi tipping system.

At the beginning of each day, what the driver must do regularly is Have to come to the board that tells the car number and the driver to find their own name, which car will be able to drive today. Which doesn't have a car to drive every day like ours the car will change every day. After that go to pick up the keys and receive checklists. Next, must check the car condition according to the complete list check, such as engine oil check, Check all lights for normal operation, Cleanliness in the passenger compartment, and record in that checkbook. The next step is to test the air blower to check that you have not drunk alcohol before driving. And after the shift, you must test the air again to check that you do not drink during driving as well. Before leaving, must report to the manager about what car number to drive, what time do you go to bed. To show that has enough sleep, healthy, and can drive safely. Managers may have daily weather warnings, for example, if it is raining today, be extra careful. And do not drive beyond the speed limit. Hands must always be at the steering wheel. Drive with caution. We will see those taxi companies in Japan have many rules and very thoughtful especially strict safety standards. During the shift, there must be a rest of at least 3 hours to ensure that the driver is not too tired. In a condition that is always ready to drive safely.

When finishing the shift, must return the car to the company. With a driving report which will show the driving speed throughout the shift. For example, driving on a normal road cannot exceed 60 kilometers per hour. But if driving on an expressway, driving at 80 kilometers per hour the system can see all if the driver exceeds the specified speed. And the report also says that the driver has a 3-hour break as scheduled or not as well. In addition, the company also collects the Performance data of each driver in a truly systematic way

In addition to driving a regular taxi, Taxi driver can also take the exam for a Sightseeing Taxi. Which works similarly to being a tour guide Meaning apart from driving to various locations and providing information about the place there. Which will be able to double the income.

But the test is difficult. For example, it must first be able to remember everything in the designated guidebook, Discovery Tokyo, which includes history, culture, even popular songs or movies. Which must be remembered all. If passing the taxi exam must pass customer service training in order to pass and become a Sightseeing Taxi. Now in Tokyo, there are around 2,000 Sightseeing Taxi.

Think the same, right? We want our taxi to have some Japanese standards. Those who need to take a taxi in our country may feel a lot more comfortable. Because he cares about the service and safety of passengers. When the situation of COVID has returned to normal Tokyo is still one of the most popular destinations for Thai people. Next time go to Japan, try using the taxi service, it should be another great experience. Carry an SCB JCB card to pay for a taxi. It's convenient. No need to wait for change. When shopping or eating, most stores accept credit cards. You don't have to carry a lot of cash with you, and you can also use your reward points to exchange for your favorite rewards. It's convenient and worthwhile. Go to Japan every time, don’t forget to make the SCB JCB credit card your shopping partner!