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Feng Shui Tips for Buying Land
Even though the location is a favorable choice when buying “vacant land”, it’s also essential to pick proper land before building a house as far as Feng Shui is concerned. It’s believed that good land will bring prosperity to homeowners and family members. Based on Feng Shui, landscape and direction are criteria for selecting land. On the other hand, land with low Feng Shui energy will also affect the owner. Let’s see how Feng Shui principles are given for choosing land.
1. Check the origin of land
Traceback the history of the land before buying to see how it had been used. Good land is considered not to have business operations relating to sickness or death before, such as slaughterhouses, hospitals, murders, house fires. Besides, there must be no dead people in that land. If there is, a religious ceremony should be arranged to perform spiritual worship. Moreover, the former landowner must intend to pass on the land to a new owner because some lands are cursed of death spells by the ancestors if the new owner is not their family member. Based on Feng Shui, the land that has been utilized will be powerful and that energy still carries on when the land is shifted to the new owner. Therefore, it’s advised to trace back the origin of that land before making buying decision whether the former owner is well-being or distress. For example, land used to be a factory, and then the owner sold it to buy new land for business expansion which means that land is full of positive energy.
2. The nature of the land
A piece of land in a square shape is the best as space can be fully utilized and easily structured. It’s ideal for operating all types of businesses or building residences because of little limits of construction, and it has a resale value at a highly competitive price. The second-best land is in rectangle shape, especially where its width connects to the main road which is suitable for commercial business due to several entrances and exits. In addition, the rectangle with a narrow front and deep length will best fit a manufacturing plant or house because of privacy. However, referring to Feng Shui, it’s better not to choose land in triangular shape or pennant as it implies insecurity which will bring sickness or failure business to the landowner. When considering utility, triangular land doesn’t provide many utilized functions and it’s more difficult to resale it when compared with other shapes of the land.
It's also good to avoid sloping land on one side or the other because it creates pain points in construction and car skidding accidents, and it’s costly for land amendment. Feng Shui considers sloping land like you have a hole in your pocket. Anyway, good land is where the sunlight shines through, free from flooding and far from still water sources. Also, the good land must not be located at a dead-end or blind alley.
3. The surrounding area of land
A good land must be opulent and surrounded by roads, streets, rivers, full of people passing by and where traveling is easy and convenient. As land is like a life cycle, its location is good for business and earning money because situated in the bustling community area. It’s also advantageous for being easily approachable. The land will be even better if it’s adjacent to the main road and inauspicious area. Moreover, the land with too many entrances and exits is considered unpleasant because Feng Shui energy easily leaks. The rear of the land must not be a road, river, or canal. If there’s a road or canal, they shouldn’t be close to the house fence. It’s essential to check the surrounding area of land whether there’s an abandoned house, garbage pile, overgrown forest, graveyard or crematorium, orbital location, etc. Those unwanted matters will destroy the landscape and it’ll be difficult to resale that land. Feng Shui believes that property encompassing the land can deliver negative power to the nearby land.
4. Direction of land
Avoid choosing a land facing to the West as it’s in the hot zone where sunlight shines throughout the afternoon. That will make dwellers or salespersons live unpleasantly over there. The solution is to plant trees as sun shading or build a pond in front of the house or residence to reduce heat.
5. Check if the land has never been a public passage
A good land must never be used as a public passage for local people. Feng Shui believes that if people can walk past, the spirits can do that as well.
6. The land is not straight to the triangular road
Feng Shui considers a triangular road a ghost passage that is unsuitable for business operation or staying. In fact, the triangular road may possibly cause car accidents and it’s hard to find parking space.
Finding desirable vacant land is certainly not easy and even harder to find one matching Feng Shui rules. Therefore, don’t worry if you get a good piece of land but some elements may not match Feng Shui's belief. Feng Shui is basically a guideline to choose the direction and landscape of the land. If you’re interested in buying vacant land to build your house, please see loan details at