Medium and Small Business (SME)
Products and services for business
New Normal Branding
How can we build a strong brand and win the hearts of customers in the time of the Covid crisis that has changed people's lifestyles to the so-called "New Normal"? Always have the same questions How will we create sales when we must close the shop and sell online instead? Should we jump to sell on every platform? The fact that we can pursue new trends Suddenly, that's a good thing. But you must understand that the basics of branding must be calm. Because building a brand is like collecting merit. In this article, we will learn techniques for building a brand to win the hearts of customers in the New Normal era with Asst. Prof. Dr. Kritinee Phongthanalert, owner of Marumura page or Ajarn Ged
A good, strong brand is a brand that consumers still think about or miss you all the time. Dr. Kritinee gave an example of Uniqlo in Japan that, even during the covid, why sales are still increasing even though many stores must close. Uniqlo has always been able to make people remember by offering high quality, comfortable and affordable clothing. When it comes to COVID-19, what Uniqlo does is penetrate the stay-at-home market. The Uniqlo at Home collection has been released. Make the shop like home with images of clothes that look comfortable when staying at home because most people work from home. How to make people at home more fun and comfortable. Dr. Kritinee has said before, building a brand is like accumulating more and more merit. For example, Uniqlo has good products. already have quality. So, it's easier to succeed because customers believe in the quality of the product and have a liking for the brand already.
1. Have a clear distinction:
Brand owners must answer what the strengths of the brand are. How is it different from other brands? The best marketing is “Marketing without marketing”. For example, our own Thai bread brand called Green Wondery. What this brand does is create a unique product. By dyeing the bread in a very beautiful gradation of indigo that it can be called a piece of art. Until making people buy even though there is very little marketing, just post a picture of bread on Facebook, there are many people ordering because the bread is beautiful It's worth taking pictures to show off online. And another strong point is that it is difficult for others to imitate because the technique is very difficult.
Another interesting example is Nang salad rolls. Their salad rolls have a unique way of making products. There are different logos, beautiful salads, beautifully arranged on a plate. The sauce container is well designed, just squeeze the lid and you can eat without spilling which shows attention to detail. The powder sheet has a thin color. Take beautiful photos Which are compatible with the lifestyle of people who work from home who want to add some color to their lives. But besides our brand having strengths and differences, it's not enough but also interesting. Must answer whether the difference is interested in the customer or not. which can be easily tested, for example, take a picture of the product and post it on Facebook to see if there are excited or not.
But over time, people have imitated our products until there is no difference, then what to do?
Dr. Kritinee gave an example of Choya, which is Japan's number 1 plum wine brand. which when done, others imitate thus pulling out the original. Created a cafe called Choya Café to make people remember it as Japan's number one plum wine. He also thought about how to attract teenagers because plum wine looks outdated. Therefore, the shop is designed to look minimal, with warmth like drinking at home, bright, and looks comfortable. The brand wants to communicate the power of plum wine as being chic by using a clear plastic glass to see the big plums. There are different types of plum juice. Even plum juice with ice cream, plum shaved ice which came out beautiful and interesting, making teenagers want to take pictures and show them on social media. It also allows customers to make their own style of plum wine. You can choose sugar, choose your own plum, choose a jar. When there is a workshop on pickling plum wine Teenagers take videos and post them on social media. Create a memory that Choya is the pinnacle of the plum wine brand.
But if our products are the same as others, what should we do? For example, if we receive products from other people to sell. Dr. Kritinee suggested that you try to look at the service if we can make it different from others. For example, Nojima is a Japanese electronics store. which is fed up with the price war strategy because it is considered unsustainable. Nojima therefore changed the internal system. Calling a salesperson, a consultant is a consultant, not just a salesperson. The products are the same as other stores, but they make a difference in service. When a customer asks for a product, the consultant will not just take the customer to that product. But first ask the customer what needs they have. For example, some people want a vacuum cleaner that needs silence to not disturb small children while sleeping. Because the needs of each customer are different. Consultants will ask for details to be able to recommend the most suitable product. Will listen to customers first to clearly see their needs. Information from customers will enable them to choose what is most suitable and cost-effective for customers. But to be able to provide this kind of service, employees must deeply understand the product's features. Understand and find the best solutions for customers including thinking for customers as well. Customers are impressed and decide to buy even though the price is not cheaper than other stores. This can be applied to selling products online by chatting with customers to find customer needs and recommend suitable products as well.
2. Clear brand identity
Brand = People is the creation of one person. Branding is more than just putting a logo on the packaging. The brand is more than that. Create a clear brand identity that people will remember. Brand origin happened 100 years ago, the first brand to be made was Louis Vuitton, which originally started from making luggage. but people don't remember So put a logo on it for customers to remember. Every brand wants customers to say that they want our brand. But what causes customers to remember one brand more than another? How do we keep our brand in the head of our customers? One way is to tell the story of every product's properties in the same direction with a mellow, easy-to-remember. Not wanting to say anything, just say it without connection. Start by selecting certain brand features that are associated with them and then linking them to the logo. The name of the brand is the logo. The brand's outfit is the packaging. And most importantly, don't forget what our stance is. What do we intend to do on the first day of starting the business?
Our brand is identity is to set up one person and must be clearly defined as a guideline. So, everyone on the team can communicate the same. Everyone must see the same image. When the identity is clear, then take it to design and must have a brand book. Employees do not communicate as employees themselves, must communicate as a brand. An important element of brand identities is
· Personality is your own brand and must be clearly communicated.
· Language used in all communication channels.
· What we believe wish to do, the more we tell our beliefs, the more people are attached to and see the brand. Don't follow the trend or do things that we are not good at. Let's do what interests us. The more we get into something, make it easier is to market.
3. Relationships > Numbers
You must check how the relationship between you and our customers is. Use good relationships to be useful in times of crisis. How to gradually create merit for customers and impress us more and more. For example, an S&P employee noticed that a grandmother who regularly dines in hasn't been to the restaurant for a long time. He was surprised until he went to see her at home. It turned out that grandma was lying unconscious in the house. This made it possible to save grandma's life in time. Daily attention will build good relationships with customers. A crisis is a time when everyone needs positive energy. want to feel good Brands that communicate positive energy will be remembered by our customers. Take the opportunity during the new normal to deliver something that can resonate with customers. Dr. Kritinee gave an example of a French restaurant in Tokyo that had to close because of the coronavirus. What the restaurant did is communicate on Twitter, always telling customers recipes. After a lot of customers retweeted, he decides to sell sandwiches as a delivery. People started to support it because they felt that the restaurant gave a lot of free recipes. After that, he started making a well-organized delivery lunch box like eating at a restaurant called Morning Dinner Set. Make good food that will increase people's energy in the morning.
Another example of building good relationships with customers during a crisis is a hostel called Kumano. It was also heavily impacted by COVID. But with creativity, the service has been upgraded to online stay for 1000 yen by doing it through the zoom system. Customers who come to buy online stay in Zoom room must tell their nickname and hometown. The owner creates a realistic experience that is taking a walking tour from the front of the train station until arriving at the hotel and checking in. In addition, it also takes customers to various attractions using Google Maps for everyone to see photos. In addition, guests must prepare photos that show the highlights of each person's hometown. When it's time to check out, it will show a VDO that says that the hostel really wants everyone to come here. This makes it full of bookings every day. Dr. Kritinee emphasized that during the crisis, do not think too much about profit. It's good to just be still alive. But use this time to accumulate merit by building a good relationship with customers.
4. Find the real "value"
Ask yourself what the value of our products and services is. What exactly is the customer buying the product or really is some experience. There is a Japanese brand called Snow Peak selling camping products. But he doesn't look at him selling trekking gear. But he sells the experience of being in touch with nature. Because customers want to experience nature so he thought about whether he could really help his customers to experience nature more easily. Therefore, a campaign has been made for customers to try making campfires at branches, try sleeping in a tent, grilling food like a forest grill. City people may start to open to more exposure to nature. There is also a Snow Peak Café, simulating a culinary experience in the forest. Making coffee drips in the forest allows the city people to experience. There is also a camping office decoration service or outdoor meetings like camping. The idea behind this is to bring people closer to nature. Including collaborating with condominiums to create a camping atmosphere. It also helps cities where there are only elderly people who do not travel and promotes that going to those cities is a journey to get closer to nature, which is another way to help the locals. Upon discovering that the true value of a brand is in bringing nature into people's lives, it has become an interesting business model that is more than just selling camping gear. Each activity was encouraged by one another. You must ask yourself if sometimes the product may change but still meet the value that we set or not. If we find true value, we must maintain it. But if you haven't found the value, extract the essence to see the value first. Don't just stick with the product.
In summary, what is a good brand? This question can be used as an indicator: 1. Do customers think of us easily? 2. Do customers want to talk about us? 3. Do customers support us regularly and 4. Do customers want to recommend us to others? If the answer is yes, then we have taken the brand in the right direction. But if not, then go back and improve according to all 4 techniques. And most importantly, don't forget that building a brand is like collecting merit. There are both good products that meet what customers want. And in times of crisis, building good relationships, putting positive energy on customers will make customers remember and love our brand
Source of the project "The DOTS Digital CommerceX" by Asst. Prof. Dr. Kritinee Pongthanalert, owner of the page "Ketwadee Marumura"
November 18, 2021