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Lonely People Marketing
“Our world is gray. Therefore, there is loneliness as a friend " "Even during people But I feel that no one " Quotes in the online world, reflecting the deep emotions hidden in the minds of people in the digital age with technology as friends. Causing the question that in an age where communication is connected, just a handful of mobile phones but why do people feel lonely? When it comes to loneliness, it is an emotional state that can happen to everyone, for example, no one is listening to the problem. People around you do not have time to Feel unified with society in psychology, it is also said that loneliness. Show the relationship in a society that we want to be different from the truth, such as wanting everyone to be friendly. But the reality is the enemy. It causes a feeling of loneliness because the relationship is not as expected. With the trend of loneliness, marketers around the world have turned their attention to studying behavior in order to reach and understand the needs of this group and thus open the blue waters to create new market opportunities for lonely consumers.
Anyone is lonely
It is not wrong if you are lonely because all over the world are lonely. In foreign countries, the trend of the lonely population is increasing. In England, a survey found that the number of loneliness reaches 9 million that the Ministry of Loneliness must be established to take care of the mental health of these populations. To give advice and arrange activities to help the lonely to restore their mental state. In America, research has found that three-quarters of the population, 75% of the people in Gen Z aged 18-22 years are the loneliest.
For Thailand, there has been market research for lonely people. By the College of Management Mahidol University From a sample of 1,126 people, there are 26.75 million people lonely in Thailand, accounting for 40.4% of the Thai population. The group was divided into 23.6% secretive loneliness, 14.5% familiarity, and lonely 2.3%. According to the research, it was found that the group with the highest loneliness was 49.3% working age (23-40 years old), followed by 41.8% of school-age loneliness (18-22 years old) and followed by adulthood. 33.6% lonely (41-60 years old). While old age the lowest level of loneliness was 24.5% (over 60) because they were emotionally organized and mentally prepared.
When looking at the relationship between loneliness and income factors, it was found that "more income, less lonely", "less income, very lonely". 46.3% of the lonely people who earn less than 15,000 baht say that they are lonely because they do not have money to go out or go shopping because they have other burdens to pay, including housing, car payments, etc.
How to cure the loneliness of the lonely
The survey found that there are 3 methods that can be used to relieve yourself of loneliness.
Lonely People Market Business Opportunities
College of Management Mahidol University (CMMU) mentioned that the lonely market in Thailand has reached 26.75 million people. As a result, the business group that supports the lonely market has increased. In foreign countries, there is a business to penetrate the lonely market, such as the United States, there is a Papa app, a service called people to help care for the elderly, such as helping with housework. Take it to shop or see a doctor. And has the People Walk app to find friends to exercise In Japan, Uncle Rental (OSSAN Rental) is available as a consultant, advising or solving problems for lonely people or people with stress.
In Thailand Community businesses that please lonely people and have gained popularity in the past such as restaurants, cafes, board games. Co-Working Space Business Digital businesses such as apps for making friends or dating. A party app to find people divide in various matters. Pet service businesses such as hospitals, clinics, pet sanctuaries, travel business in the form of doing social activities
Strategies for Lonely People
As mentioned above, there are 26.75 million lonely people in Thailand, how do they do business to ensure the needs of this population? College of Management Mahidol University (CMMU) recommends the following 4 strategies:
The lonely population is another social group of people that businessmen or marketers should pay attention to. Create products and services or run promotions. To meet the needs of this group of people It will be a new target group in the blue waters that will help increase sales and generate income for products and services continuously in the future.
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