UP Ngern Tunjai is a business revolving loan for individuals with the goal of increasing the liquidity or investment of the business without the use of collateral or a guarantor. This product's interest rate will be subject to a floating effective rate.
- Thai Entrepreneurs
- Age range between 20-60 years old*
- Having saving account with SCB
- Email has been linked with SCB Easy application
*The installment length plus the customer's age shall not exceed 65 years old for loan drawdown under SCB rules.
The invitation for UP Ngern Tunjai loan will be sent to clients via SCB communication channels such as Line connect, the SCB EASY app, e-mail, etc. Clients can tap a link to apply for a loan via the SCB EASY app.
Invited clients can apply for a loan via the SCB EASY app’s “Loans and Credit Cards” menu. On the “Loans” page, select “UP Ngern Tunjai” and follow the instructions.
UP Ngern Tunjai can be applied from SCB EASY Application only.
UP Ngern Tunjai is a digital lending that can be applied for in a few steps using the SCB EASY app, with no documents required.
The maximum credit line approved is 1 million baht*. However, the customers may withdraw up to 500,000 baht each transaction per day.
*The approval criteria will be based on the SCB’s conditions
Floating Effective Interest Rate start with MRR + 6.925% = 14.00% p.a.
- For Entrepreneurs** the maximum interest will be MRR + 20.63% = 27.705% p.a.
- For sSME*** the maximum interest rate is 28% p.a.
*MRR, as of 3 March 2025 = 7.075% p.a.. However, the rate is subjected to changes per SCB’s announcement.
**Entrepreneur is referring to the customers who owns the business and got the credit approval from UP Ngern Tunjai from THB 100,000 and above.
***sSME is referring to the customers who got the credit approval from UP Ngern Tunjai below THB 100,000.
The customers can select the installment period from 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 60, or 72 months based on the possible repayment ability calculated by the system.
UP Ngern Tunjai does not have annual fee, drawdown fee, or repayment fee in case the customers are repay via SCB Easy application and /or automatically made a payment to SCB Direct Debit services
The customers can drawdown the amount of money and transfer to SCB saving money per displayed in the SCB Easy application.
Please kindly contact through the SCB Call Center at 02-777-7777 or visit any SCB Branches.
Customers can select the due date by themselves before the first transaction being made. The due date can be 1st, 16th or 28th, of every month.
Customers have to select the savings account that will be used for SCB direct debit services. When the due date arrives, the system will automatically deduct the amount based on the time period you have chosen.
If you want to make a payment before the due date, you can do so without incurring any fees by using the SCB Easy application.
Alternatively, scan a QR code to make a payment via another banking institution's app, or make a payment at Big C, Lotus, or Shopee Pay Wallet. Please keep in mind, however, that certain payment methods may incur payment fees.
Yes, via SCB Easy Application and select ‘Pay All’
Customers can pay using the SCB Easy Application or scan the QR code generated from the SCB Easy Application to pay using additional payment channels. This may be divided into two categories:
1. Customers made a payment before the cut-off date of 11 p.m. This extra payment will be deducted from the outstanding debt by SCB. When the due date arrives, the system will immediately deduct the amount specified in the statement.
2. If a client makes a payment after 11 p.m. on the cut-off date, SCB will deduct a portion of the payment from the outstanding debt. The system will automatically deduct funds from savings accounts until all outstanding balances are met.
Customers should, however, verify the transactions before making a payment because they cannot receive a refund or cancel any transactions.
SCB will remove THB 340 from the current outstanding balance, and THB 60 will be deducted from the charge, interest (if any), and principal amount. These amounts will be recorded as available credit for the subsequent transaction. When the next due date arrives, consumers must pay the outstanding amount listed on the statement within a certain time frame.
Customers, however, cannot withdraw the extra money. This additional payment, however, will be deducted from the charge, interest (if any), and principal amount. These sums will be recognized as available credit for the following transaction.
You may view your payment history on the SCB EASY app or by calling the SCB Call Center at
The default rate will be calculated using the maximum interest rate specified in the loan agreement plus 3% p.a. In the case of an entrepreneur, the computation will be (MRR* per year +20.63%) + 3% per year = 30.705% per year. In the case of a SME, the default rate might reach 28% p.a. of the principal amount.
The MRR* rate is 7.075% p.a. as of the release on March 3, 2025 , and is subject to change. Customers can view the most recent interest rate on the SCB website.