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SCB Home Builder Loan
Whether the house is small or big, SCB can help turn your dream into reality.
Build your dream house with our home construction loan, the SCB Home Builder Loan. We offer a bonus credit limit of up to 30% to fund interior decoration and furnishings (according to conditions of the SCB Home Builder Plus program). Take advantage of our special fixed or variable interest rate. You can opt for low monthly installments under a long loan period of up to 30 years.
Receive a credit limit up to 130% of the appraisal value of land and buildings to make your dream house comes true. 1. Receive a credit limit up to 100% of the construction wage (in case of fully owned land) 2. Maximum credit line does not exceed 90% of the appraisal value of the land and building. 3. Receive additional credit line up to 30% to fund interior decoration and furnishings according to SCB home builder plus program.
As announced by the bank.
Thai nationality
Has never had a non-performing loan at any financial institution
Age at least 20 years old, not more than 65.
Salaried employee
Business owner