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Corporate Welfare Home Loan
Are you a corporate employee? Let SCB take care of all your home loan needs.
SCB's loan consultants offer expert advice and service when you borrow for new or second-hand home, refinance your home loan, or take out a home equity loan (My Home My Cash). As an agreement company employee, you'll benefit from exclusive terms and conditions.
For a new home loan, a second-hand home loan or refinancing, you can finance up to 100% of the house appraisal value.
SCB's loan consultant specialists are at your service. You don't need to take time off work to visit a bank branch. We'll come to your office to collect the loan application from you or your human resources department
As announced by the bank.
For customers receiving salary via an SCB ATS Payroll account. For inquiries, please contact your HR Department or the SCB Call Center at 0 2777 7777.
Thai nationality
Has never had a non-performing loan at any financial institution
Age at least 20 years old, not more than 65.
If purchasing a new home or second-hand home:
If refinancing: