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Mutual Funds
A mutual fund is an investment product issued by an asset management company that invests in various securities in order to achieve a return consistent with its stated policy.
SCB mutual funds provide potential investment returns in a variety of forms. For example, a fund might give you the opportunity to earn a dividend or a tax-free capital gain. The investment policy of each fund is stated in its prospectus.
Each month we select funds that currently offer strong potential to earn good returns. Fund List
Funds suitable for investors who can accept a low-to-medium level of risk and want higher returns than from bank deposits. Fund list
Funds suitable for investors who want to diversify risk by spreading their investment across several different classes of assets. Fund list
Funds suitable for investors who want to earn a steady return on investment in the form of regular dividend payments. Fund list
Funds suitable for investors who seek a return on investment and want to get their invested money back at the end of the specified investment period. Fund list
Investors should understand the terms, conditions, potential returns and risks before investing.