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Retirement Mutual Fund: RMF
A Retirement Mutual Fund (RMF) is a new type of mutual fund that promotes savings and long-term investment for a comfortable life after retirement.
A Retirement Mutual Fund (RMF) is a new type of mutual fund that promotes savings and long-term investment for a comfortable life after retirement. RMFs are suitable for individuals earning income in such forms as wages, salary, and freelance income. It is particularly suitable for those who are not a member of a provident fund. Investment shall be made at least once a year with minimum investment of 5,000 baht per year. Tax-exempt redemption is applicable when an investment has been held at least 5 years (only the years in which the investor received a waiver of income tax are counted) and the investor must be at least 55 years old. SCB has a varity of RMF for you to choose.
RMFs are suitable for individuals earning income in such forms as wages, salary, and freelance income. It is particularly suitable for those who are not a member of a provident fund.
Claim a tax deduction of not more than 15% of your taxable income and not more than 500,000Bt in total for that tax year. The tax deduction covers investments in RMF, provident funds, government pension funds, private teacher aid fund contributions, and retirement insurance.