Subordinated Perpetual Debenture Subscription and
Deposit in the EASY-D Debenture Account

Once investors pass the Subordinated Perpetual Debenture Knowledge Test and complete the Knowledge Assessment according to the terms
and condition of service, investor can begin the subscription process via SCB EASY Application





1. Select the menu “Subscribe & Sell”



2. Choose a perpetual debenture to Subscribe / Study Factsheet and Prospectus



3. Press “Subscribe”



4. Acknowledge perpetual debenture risks and press “Accept”



5. In case of the Knowledge Assessment result “Not Suitable”, the system will display “You are not suitable to invest in products with high-risk or complex characteristics”. Investor can select “Accept” to proceed for subscription. Please learn more about the characteristics and risks of the investment before proceeding



6. Study the terms and conditions of the Perpetual Debenture subscription and press “Accept”



7. Study Factsheet press “Next”



8. Study the Subordinated Perpetual Debenture presentation and press “Next”



9. Study and accept the Perpetual Debenture Risk Acknowledgement Form and press “Next”



10. Choose an account to pay for subscription, specify the subscription amount



11. Choose format of holding debentures: If investor selects deposit debentures with SCB in the “EASY-D Debenture Account”, the system will automatically display debenture account number



12. If investor selects “Scrip (sending via postal service)”, then customer choose a deposit account to receive the principal and interest for the debenture subscribed”



13. If investor selects “Deposit to a securities account opened with InnovestX”, then investor choose a securities account



14. If investor selects “Deposit to a securities account opened with other securities companies”, then investor select securities company name and fill in trading account number



15. Review Subscription Information and Press “Confirm”



16. Choose mobile number to receive OTP (One Time Password)



17. Enter OTP



18. Subscription request sent successfully



19. Check subscription status* in “My Transactions”



20. Select a Perpetual Debenture transaction to see transaction details



*When SCB has successfully deducted money to pay for your debenture subscription, the status of the transaction will be displayed as “Success” and the investor will receive a confirmation email within the next business day.


Get started

You can register for the SCB EASY app through any of the following options