Buy Corporate Debentures in Secondary Market

Buying corporate debentures via SCB EASY App is available everyday, 24 hours a day. Transactions are convenient, easy, and secure.



1. Select the menu “Investment”



2. Select the menu “Debenture”



3. Select the menu “Subscribe/Buy & Sell”



4. Choose tab “Secondary Market”. The screen will show the list of debentures that can be bought or sold. Select “Buy”



5. Choose interested debenture, study debenture detail in Factsheet or Prospectus, and press “Select”



6. Select “Buy”



7. Confirm High Net Worth investor status (In case distribution type is private placement to HNW investor)



8. Read the Terms and Conditions and select “Accept”



9. Study Factsheet and select “Next”



10. Choose an account to pay for the purchase of debenture and specify the quantity you want to buy



11. The system will display the amount payable and the
EASY-D Debenture account number. Study the terms and conditions, then select “Review”



12. Review information of buy order and select “Confirm”



13. Choose mobile number to receive OTP (One Time Password)



14. Enter OTP



15. Successfully submit buy order. Press “OK”



16. Select transaction to see buy order detail

Get started

You can register for the SCB EASY app through any of the following options