Product Detail

Product Detail

We provide financing support for any large-scale project by assessing its financial structure, feasibility and specific characteristics. This leads to an optimal, custom-fitted solution.

Build big with confidence

SCB generates financing solutions centered on a project's cash-flow projections and asset-based collateral. Our project-finance services cover a full range of businesses, such as power plants, oil refineries, petrochemical installations, large public utility projects, transportation infrastructure, hotels and tourism facilities and heavy industries.

Serving all industries

The Bank offers a variety of services covering every business sector, including infrastructure, mining, petrochemicals, conventional power generation and renewables.

Your experts for CLMV

Our expertise and qualifications cover both domestic and international markets. We are strong in serving projects in countries within the region, especially Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV).

Helping you grow sustainably

The Bank strives for service excellence and continual product innovation to maximize benefits to your company while contributing to the sustainability of your business's growth.

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