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Corporate Social Responsibility
SCB conducts its business with a strong commitment to social responsibility.
Siam Commercial Bank has operated its business as a responsible member of Thai society for more than a century, with a firm commitment to business ethics, transparency and good corporate governance, taking into account stakeholders such as customers, shareholders, employees and the public.
SCB believes that youth are the foundation of sustainable growth of society and the nation. In 1995, the Bank established Siam Commercial Foundation to drive youth development efforts on a pragmatic and ongoing basis. In 20016, the Board of Directors appointed a Corporate Social Responsibility Committee to set the direction and evaluate the performance of the Bank on social development in line with the intent to show concrete outcomes.
SCB's policy is to network with other partners. Together with them, we aim to help develop the ability of youth; raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation; and focus on social progress, encouraging communities to be self-reliant and create a better quality of life. We also promote these aims among our staff, encouraging a culture of employee volunteerism, with the intent to help Thai society advance in every dimension of sustainability.