Personal information Have some leaked or not?

In an age when information is valuable as a result, there must be the promulgation of the Personal Data Protection Act 2019 or PDPA (Personal Data Protection Act). To establish rules, mechanisms, and measures for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information to be correct. Prevent violations of privacy rights as well as having remedial measures for the personal data breach. And there are penalties for those who do not follow

From 27 May 2020 onwards, this Act will be in full force for both private and corporate organizations. Therefore, there must be a storage measure and the use of personal information only to the extent with the consent of the data subject. Including destroying after the storage period. Data subjects also must know their rights to protect personal information. Including giving consent as appropriate. Because our data can be used for analysis, research for product development. Or services to meet the needs or may be used for illegal purposes Can bring trouble for the data subject as well


But do you know? Many times, personal information escapes from the data subject. Which causes the information to leak What happened? Let's see.

Unknowingly giving information

Many of you have probably heard the warning to be careful posting pictures or messages on social media. For example, should not post anything that can be linked to the owner of the information, such as name-surname, vehicle registration, phone number, email address, fingerprint or barcode, etc. But sometimes the information we give Although not publicly released but a chat in a group of friends or contact online trading It may cause personal information to escape if someone enters the group. Or disguise themselves as customers. For example, the account number may be used as an illegal remittance account. To complicate the origin and investigate. Once the money has been transferred, it will be contacted to request a refund from the account holder later. Claiming to transfer money to the wrong account or maybe used the car registration number to spoof in order to transport illegal things or committing a crime, etc.

Misrepresentation of information or be led to believe

Various online media such as Websites, E-mail, SMS, or social media such as Facebook, LINE, Twitter, etc. are all fake in order to be mistaken for companies or organizations. That we may use the service. Which will entice the owner of the information to fill in or give some information. If giving information to it can cause damage to the owner of the data. The things that fake accounts often ask for information include passwords, ATM codes, credit cards, national ID numbers, etc. Therefore, if you receive a message that leads to filling or providing any personal information Must first make sure that Is the contact from a reliable source? Or just pretending to be just deceitful.


Providing information without knowing the origins of the author

Participating in various activities such as guessing activities from numbers or from logging in via social media. To do the test or join different activities. May need to include a mobile number, car registration, ID card number, or extracting information on social media. This information can be easily linked and identified with the owner of the information. Therefore, we will fill in what information or press what consent. If the origin of the author is not known is like giving information to an unknown person. And what he would do with that information we did not know. Therefore, need to look at the necessity and the reliability of those to whom we are going to provide information.

Disposal or reuse of documents

Who has ever dropped documents such as water bills, electricity bills, telephone bills or mail/parcels addressed to us? Or bring the said document to reuse, must be careful. The documents mentioned above will include your name, address, and may include our phone number or email address. This personal information can identify who we are, where to contact. Think about it if the criminals get this information. It can be used to do bad things, such as surveillance of dwellings in order to steal things. Or kidnapping someone in the house or it may become an illegal delivery channel. Became a scapegoat without being caught off guard Therefore, documents or parcels with personal information should be destroyed to be inconclusive every time.

Putting personal information where it is easily noticed

In the dramas or movies that we have watched You should have seen a scene where a detective secretly uses a cell phone camera to take pictures of other people's documents. For example, it could be a schedule for an important appointment or a vacation plan. That the owner may have placed, thinking that it is okay. But this information can be used to track, stalk, or know when we are at home and not at home as well.

Even though the Personal Information Protection Act came into force to protect the rights of the data subject. But ourselves as the subject of personal information Must know to collect, use and disseminate our personal information and does not violate the privacy of others as well