Get to know ChatGPT AI changing the world in the 21st century?

Nowadays, probably no one has heard of artificial intelligence (AI), a technology that people talk about and believe will be one of the hottest topics of 2023. The feature of AI is the ability to quickly learn and analyze large amounts of data, and analyze and process the data to manage the data. With this outstanding feature of AI, various business sectors are brought to further develop their work systems to be more efficient. both in finance management and marketing, medical, logistics, legal, etc. And with the limitless capabilities of AI, even software leaders like Bill Gates also sees that AI has created a new paradigm (Paradigm Shift) that will replace old paradigms like the Internet and computers in the near future.

From the current situation, it can be seen that global giants are accelerating the development of such technologies to intensely compete for market share, for example, Amazon has partnered with Stability AI to become a Cloud Provider (currently worth over a billion dollars). That creates an AI tool that processes text into images to help users create art in the digital world. And in November 2022, Microsoft partnered with Nvidia to invest in OpenAI, launching ChatGPT, which within the first 5 days of launching. With more than 1 million active users, Microsoft recently launched Microsoft Teams Premium that integrates ChatGPT to increase productivity. which can prepare a summary of the meeting Summary of meeting issues with transcribed text Including real-time language translation as well

ChatGPT is one of the GPT-3 (Generative Pretrained Transformer) or Advanced Language Model programs developed by OpenAI that sees the opportunity to develop such language models. Due to the ever-increasing demand for AI applications in industries such as customer service, e-commerce, or the entertainment industry. Thanks to the capabilities of this language model, OpenAI has been able to attract major venture capitalists like Microsoft, who invested over $3 billion in OpenAI in 2019 and plans to invest over ten billion dollars in the future, bringing OpenAI's value to $1 billion. 30 billion dollars ever.

ChatGPT, the latest innovation from OpenAI, backed by Microsoft, is a highly specialized use of AI for language processing. ChatGPT has a unique ability to respond naturally to all questions. It can also create conversations, translate languages, process language. write quality articles Draft speeches, monologues, ceremonies, or even composing songs and creating new scientific theories. ChatGPT's multi-lingual capabilities are an important help for businesses. Especially the marketing business lines that can use ChatGPT to interact with customers, create content or articles. Helping stores create more customer interactions, and AI can learn to analyze statistical data to predict future trends and probabilities.


ChatGPT Limitations and Moral Issues

Although ChatGPT is currently beneficial to various circles to some extent. Especially using business benefits that help write articles or be a chatbot that helps stores interact with customers naturally. The overall results are of high quality, however, be warned that while the results produced by ChatGPT look elegant, the information gathered may not be accurate. Because ChatGPT's learning takes place by accumulating large amounts of data. But such systems do not have accurate data filtering and may not come from reliable sources.

Another interesting point is the moral issue of ChatGPT, both in terms of copyright (Copyright) that may cause disputes among users in the future, such as the right to own articles processed from the system. whether it belongs to the questioner or the company ChatGPT. Including the issue of plagiarism caused by the system may not be processed well enough. However, ChatGPT has now foreseen the problem of plagiarism and is in the process of building a system that can intercept messages that Passed Plagiarism. And is in the process of building a system that can intercept messages that have been plagiarism. In addition, from the development of AI, it has reached a step called AGI (Artificial General Intelligence: AGI), which means that AI can analyze at the highest level comparable to the brain. human with high intelligence Which, of course, would pose a threat to mankind as well.

Another scary issue for ChatGPT arises from the fact that ChatGPT can access a wide range of data. including information related to illegal acts As a result, criminals can abuse ChatGPT. For example, ChatGPT can explain the processes and methods for producing Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) to terrorist groups. ChatGPT's response is straightforward: “The first step in building a bomb involves radioactivity. You need to find radioactive materials first. by smuggling from the hospital or from research agencies or may be found on the black market Even though that thing is very rare and the price is very high.” Therefore, the development of such technology It needs to be viewed from both the private and public perspectives, that is, the private sector should develop AI with morality and ethics. in order to show responsibility for users and society not just seeking profit Including the government sector that has to play a role in regulating such issues as quickly and as possible in keeping up with the leapfrog development of technology. Otherwise, there could be far-reaching consequences for society if the use of such technology is not regulated.

Forecasting trends and future trends

In the near future, it will be difficult for artificial intelligence to be replaced by technology like ChatGPT. The trend is to develop such a system to be able to use more languages ​​more accurately. The ChatGPT system currently processes messages mainly. And display results in conversational form, but in the future, AI will not create conversations that are just text. but can be displayed in the form of photographs painting or even sound which should be continuously developed to be more accurate than today. Such developments may affect user behavior as well. Consequently, there has been concern in both academia and other industries that ChatGPT users should use them in a socially responsible manner. To meet the main purpose of AI technology in facilitating users with maximum efficiency.
