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5 Tips for Teaching Kids Responsibility
Children today will be growing to be valuable assets in society replacing the old generation. Therefore, it is important to cultivate a sense of responsibility in your children so they will live happily through successful life and work in the future. Parents can train their children to be self-disciplined with 5 easy tips.
1. Parents as role models: Influence your children to take responsibility in the family. Tell them about work and to take care of the family members, and allocate household jobs such as mum washing dishes, dad watering the plants in the garden. Let your children see you do those jobs regularly so that will be their good examples.
2. Teach children to do daily routines and activities: Parents can teach children from the age of 2 as they start understanding about your order at that period, for example; keeping toys in the proper place, putting dirty laundry in the basket, teaching punctuality such as wake-up, bedtime and meal time. With those training, children will know their responsibilities from the beginning and have the self-discipline to do their own jobs.
3. Teach children to be responsible for house chores: When children are from the age of 4, parents can train them to do some easy household jobs such as setting dining tables with unbreakable dishware, picking up house appliances for adults to work, putting waste in the trash, managing time to help to do house chores, arranging all jobs to be done on schedule, and complimenting children when they get things done.
4. Teach children to be responsible for their duties as a student: Encourage children to go to school early. Parents who send and pick up children to and from school must do that punctually as a good example of responsibility. Teach them to do teacher assignments both personal and group, and finish them on schedule. Monitor children's behavior from their class teachers, and if there’s any improper behavior, please warn your children and solve that problem right away.
5. Train children to get tougher responsibility and spend more time with them in order of age: When children reach school age, you should assign them to do tougher household jobs that need more effort and time to complete them. For example; at the age of 5-7; making their bed, watering plants and bringing warm food to the table, at the age of 8-10; cleaning and sweeping the floor, hanging clothes outside and keeping them, and washing the dishes, from the age of 11; cleaning a bathroom, etc.
Training responsibility to children is a simple matter for the family if parents are tolerant and disciplined. Most importantly, parents have a big responsibility to be good role models by sharing real-life examples with their children to motivate and educate them to be valuable people with greater responsibility in the future.