How to Motivate Yourself to Work Out Habitually

We know so well that exercise benefits health and improves body shape but we can’t force ourself to do it regularly. We start working out and quit and then follow that in a roundabout way. We want to look good but rarely succeed in making it happen. Here, we have some tips that help you stay motivated to make exercise a habit.

1. Look at your bare body in the mirror

Examine your body closely and thoroughly; bloated belly, love handles, cellulite thighs or legs squeeze, flabby forearms, and bloated hips. No part of the body is firm and you can’t bear to see the mirror reflects your body. In contrast, after working out strenuously for a while, you’ll be very much satisfy with yourself when coming back to the mirror again as all unpleasant parts disappear, Finally, you will feel like you can’t stop exercising as you have pride in gaining a new good-looking image.

2. Think about the benefits of exercise

Manage your time and write down the health benefits of exercise together with the negative effects of not exercising. With regular exercise, you’ll find that your check-up performance is getting better, such as cholesterol, the level of oxygen in the blood, office syndrome, fatigue resistance, body flexibility, and more. Record all those results to keep track of your health.

3. Define precise and measurable goal

For example; I’ll wear a dress that is now too tight within 2 months, or I’ll reduce my waistline from 32 to 30 inches in a month, or I’ll wear a bikini on my next beach trip in 6 months. Tangible and proven goals will boost inspiration and drive you to practice easily.

4. Find an idol to get inspired

Having someone as a role model is highly motivated, especially those who are similar to us. Presently, so many idols including superstars, celebs, and ordinary people, achieve professional workouts and get perfect body shape. For example; if we’re at the age of 40, we may find an idol at our age who is healthy and in good shape, and then follow up him or her as a fan on social media channels like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, or TikTok. Most influencers continually post their

5. Get stylish activewear outfits

Some people may think it’s overwhelming to do such thing but most women say that sporty-chic clothes help boost the mood for exercise. Wearing a trendy sports bra to show fit and firm tummy can increase people’s motivation to set goals, such as I must get flat belly and will be able to wear a sports bra and then show my pictures to the world.

6. Use social media as a tool

For example, the post before and after working out pictures. You’ll have more fun when posting your clips or images while working out every day and regularly, and feel even more inspired when you get Likes and Comments that you’re in better shape.

7. Hire a Trainer

There’s a huge number of fitness trainers online found on Instagram or Facebook. You can get started easier as a beginner if you get training and inspiration. After you can make exercise a habit, you may quit hiring trainers and exercise alone further.

8. Manage time for exercise

You don’t need an hour to exercise. Just arrange 15-30 minutes a day to work out regularly, your body and physical potentiality will be more positively changed. Keep telling yourself that it’s only little time spending for exercise and that time doesn’t affect your other activities at all.

9. Create a workout calendar

In the digital era, everything is a piece of cake as you can set up alerts on your device like mobile phone or smartwatch to remind you and make exercise a part of your life schedule. Treat exercise as routines that you must do it regularly like taking a shower, washing hair, wearing makeup, and pampering your body.

10. Make a promise to yourself

Telling yourself that you only have one body and your body is the most valuable asset in your life. You need to take the best care of it to strengthen blood vessels and heart, and to have a firm and perfect body that allows you to enjoy doing physical activities without health obstacles.

Start being self-disciplined to exercise regularly and seriously as exercise benefits inner and outer health and self-discipline is the heart of the exercise. Inconsistent exercise will never provide an outcome resulting in giving up at the end. If you can get motivated and force yourself in the beginning, you’ll get used to exercising after doing it consistently for 1-2 months, and then exercise will become a part of your life and a lifestyle that you no longer have to sacrifice for. Once taking care of your life by exercise habitually, you shouldn’t be careless about illness. You may get sick even if you always take the best care of yourself. Holding health insurance with proper coverage limits while medical and nursing fees are tremendously costly, can help you immediately when you develop severe diseases. SCB offers a variety of life insurance plans to suit your needs. Please study detail at