Do you know which household items use the most electricity?

There are many household electrical devices. Which one uses the most electricity? How much does each item consume? Which one makes us pay the most? How to calculate the bill? How can we know? Here is some basic understanding to help you save more.


How to know how much it consumes?

To understand the consumption rate, we have to look at Watts consumption which is the unit of electricity. It is in a manual or on a label on that electrical device. For example, 1,000W on the label means 1-hour usage of the device equal to 1,000 Watts.

1,000 Watts equal to 1 unit of electricity calculation. This is only a rough calculation which is electricity fee (Baht per hour) = (Quantity of Watt for the device x electrical fee per unit)/1000. Electrical fee per unit equal to 3.9 Baht*. Usage of 1,000-Watt-electrical devices results in 3.9 Baht per hour. However, there are many daily electrical devices that have different Watt consumption.

Which one uses the most electricity?

From the above information, we can see that the factor which affects the electrical fee is 1.) Watt usage and 2.) Period of using. So, the first guess in everyone's mind is the air-conditioner which is the correct answer. The Metropolitan Electricity Authority result shows that the air-conditioner consumes about 1,200 - 3,300 Watts, (electrical fee about 5 - 13 Baht per hour). Normally we turn on the air-conditioner at night for 8 - 10 hours, so the highest electrical fee is from the air-conditioner. The second electrical equipment is the water heater which consumes around 2,500 - 12,000 Watts and results in 10 - 47 Baht per hour. Although we do not take a shower for an hour, we may forget to turn off a switch after we finish taking a shower. So, the device is running all the time which costs a fee. Thus, do not forget to turn it off after you finish using it.

Apart from the air-conditioner and water heater, another device is the washing machine which has a high consumption rate (around 3,000 Watts or 12 Baht per hour). Cloth washing per round is about 2.30 hours. This is a high expense for those houses with high clothes usage.

For other heating devices whether iron, oven, microwave, rice cooker, and electric water boiler, also consume high Watts but less timing. So, unplugging or turning off those devices after finishing using them is needed.

A number 5 label of Energy saving

The number 5 label of Energy saving is a label that indicates basic information of energy-saving efficiency and the usage expense per year of that electrical device. Those devices with a number 5 label mean they passed the energy-saving test refer from EGAT and ministry of Energy standard. There is a number from 1 to 5 where 5 is the highest energy saving level. So, choosing the devices should consider the quality, function, specification, and also the annual electrical consumption rate and expense on a number 5 label. These are the items to be considered before buying any electrical devices in order to get the highest efficiency and the most savings in a long run.

From this information, changing the household electrical-devices usage behavior will help save energy and reduce the electrical fee. The most important thing is you do not need to go outside to pay bills whether electricity or water for both metropolitan or provincial districts, because paying via SCB EASY application is super easy and convenient. For more information, click -Here -

Information from The Metropolitan Electricity Authority

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