5 misunderstandings about solar cell installation

Amid rising energy prices including the electricity cost that is prepared to increase to 5 baht per unit at the end of 2022, makes alternative energy such as electric power from solar cells is an investment choice to reduce the burden of energy costs in the long run. But many people are still not sure if the solar cell information that they once understood is correct or not? Let's take a look at 5 things that people often misunderstand about solar cells and how accurate information is to make decisions about using solar cells.

Misconception 1: Solar panels causing the house value to drop

According to a study in the United States, people who buy homes are willing to pay for a home with a solar system that costs $15,000 more than a conventional home. This allows solar homeowners to price their homes above the market price. However, the quality of selected one including the size of the solar cells also affect the house price. And people who come to buy houses should be people who are interested in using the solar cell system that is self-reliant and help save energy costs in the long run.


Misconception 2: Installing solar panels is a difficult process

In the view of ordinary people who may not be familiar with engineering, it is often thought that it is difficult. But all this work is not done by ourselves. We just choose a company that has experience, expertise and modernity and also have standard equipment with a One Stop Service that increases the convenience of both installation and making documents for permission from the electricity. This saves us a lot of time and make the installation of solar panels and systems not a hassle anymore.

Misconception #3: Solar panels are difficult to maintain

Keeping the solar panels working at their full potential throughout their lifespan is not difficult. Because the solar panel is designed to withstand all weather conditions. Whether it's a storm or a hailstorm, care is all about using a damp sponge once or twice a year. But usually we don't have to do it ourselves because the distribution company installs solar panels will include after-sales service to take care of the equipment and the performance of various systems for us continuously throughout the life of the package in the first place. Maintenance is not a concern at all.

Misconception 4: Requesting permission to install solar cells is difficult

For any homes that use electricity, you can apply for the size of electricity to install a solar power generation system or Solar Roof to connect to the grid online. In Bangkok and surrounding provinces, notify the Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA) https://spv.mea.or.th/ and other than that, inform the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) https://ppim.pea.co.th/

For the installation, the equipment used to generate electricity must comply with the standards of electricity. The main equipment used must pay special attention to Inverter and reverse current protection device (See the list of standard equipment. https://www.mea.or.th/minisite/vspp/about/845) and must be inspected by a qualified electrician. For the safety of users and of the electric utility staff who came to work including to prevent damage that may occur to equipment that may affect the entire electrical network

However, companies that sell and install solar panels have a service to apply for permission and electricity included in the package already. We only provide documents. Then let the company go through the whole process.

Misconception 5: Solar cell systems are too expensive

If it was about 10 years ago, it probably was. But today, the technology is more advanced. And every trend in the world is towards clean energy. There is support from many sectors to give the masses access to clean energy technologies. with a reasonable price so that people can use it widely. Presently, the solar cell system is not too expensive. Starting at the main 1xx,xxx baht, suitable for housing that uses a lot of electricity, such as a home office, a house that uses a lot of electricity during the day, such as a house at Work from Home or a house with the elderly. Homes that use EV cars, etc., which can help save up to 60% on monthly electricity bills (click to see which houses are suitable for using solar cells)

For those interested in installing solar panels home electric power generation cells, SCB has partnered with 5 solar experts: GRoof by Gunkul, A Solar, Eight Solar, ENMAX, PSI offers special offers and discounts to SCB customers up to 59,900 baht from May 26, 2022 to December 31, 2022. See details. More details here (https://scbcw-preprod.scb.co.th/th/personal-banking/promotions/other-services/solar-rooftop.htm)

Reference : https://energieadvisor.org/solar-energy-myths/