Teach Child to be Richman: getting rich by gifted-cash from relatives for Chinese New Year

The Chinese New Year festival is the gold moment for our children to get gift in cash from their older relatives by which they’ll spend to get things they love to own.  But parents who care for money spending like us would prefer to see our children become the richman in the future to come.  We will, thus, teach them to beware what good money spending would be.  But teaching alone wouldn’t enough.  We should also be good example for them by having them become well-aware of spending disciplinary with what they’ve received for Chinese New Year cash.

4 Pig Saving Boxes: the small-richman guardian

All parents as we are should train our children how to handle the 4 Pig Saving Boxes namely the Saving Pig, the Spending Pig, the Donating Pig and the Investing Pig to have children appreciate that money is not only for spending, but it’s also of other benefits including:

1. Saving pig: the “saving money” portion for which our children should be told that it’s for future plan for education or other things they’d like to get.  Parents should take their children to open a saving account for regular monthly saving. 

2. Spending pig: this money is for children spending either for sweets or toys of which they should put in a deposit account for an easy withdrawal. 

3. Donating pig: children should be trained for giving regular money donation to other people so that they would be grown up with such a positive thinking.

4. Investing pig: the last box is the most important one since it would teach our children in 2 ways of how to become a richman in the future. 

  • For parent: put children’s gifted cash for saving through life insurance products of a higher return i.e. saving insurance with both life protection and a higher return than the regular saving policy. 
  • For children:  parents should train children to be a tiny start-up by a small amount of such gifted cash.  They can as well give a small hiring money for certain household works by their children, or from the family business. Our children, thereby would learn about their money management while being proud of it.  And this is the technic practiced by every richman on this earth.

(Then, once all of our children can follow the aforementioned technics the gifted cash for Chinese New Year today and other years to come would become a tiny start for any small child to become a happy richman in the future.  But, remember that you are the good lesson learned for your children, since parents are the “first money teacher for children!