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ESG Investment
SCB Investment Office and Product considers environmental, social and governance factors when selecting funds and believes that practice of responsible investment will create satisfactory and sustainable return.
Recognizant of the roles and responsibilities as investment and financial advisor to provide the highest benefits to client, the Bank holistically considers factors that can impact investment by considering ESG issues when selecting funds and asset management companies. The Bank believes that practice of responsible investment will create satisfactory and sustainable return. ESG factor will be one of factors which the bank considers for fund selection process.
Notwithstanding, environmental, social and governance factors may be reviewed at an individual company level, at an industry level, at regulatory or national level, regional and global trends on economic, social or environmental. The bank will consider one or all factors and it will also be reviewed to keep abreast of the changing sustainability context.
In addition, the Bank also considers ESG factors when selecting and monitoring performance of the selected funds.