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Super-Mung-Khung 11/6 Plus
A way to build and secure your future plan with short-term premium payment, annual cash benefit, and tailor your critical illness coverage.
A life insurance plan with annual cash benefit every year, 3 critical illness coverage, and additional death benefit in case of accident
Enjoy with cash return every year, 3% at the end of policy year 1-7, 5% at the end of policy year 8-9, and 7% at the end of policy year 10
Additional life protection in the event of accidental death and doubled in case of death from a public accident
If detected, stop paying by waiver of premium if diagnosed with 1 of 3 critical illness in policy year 1 - 3
If detected, receive a lump sum upon diagnosis of 1 of 3 critical illness in policy year 4-11
No claim no waste, get return all the critical illness premium paid at the time of maturity if no critical illness claim during the policy period
Easy to apply with 1 health question
% of Sum Assured
3 Critical Illnesses