
Cover of OPD lump sum

Get OPD lump sum benefits coverage for all plans, without limit per visit

Full coverage for IPD

Comprehensive coverage for IPD (room & board, in-hospital services fee)

Special coverage for CI or childhood specific diseases*

Get lump sum benefits and 2X room & board fees

Caring when get a special treatment

Coverage for organ change surgery, stem cell transplantation and juvenile consultation**

Choice to save on the premiums

Save on the premiums with deductible plan

Suitable for

  • The customer who is looking for lump sum health benefits in long term
  • The customer who is looking for high medical benefit for kids to cover various medical treatment
  • Insurable age: 1 month 1 day – 10 years old (Renewal until age 84 years)
  • Coverage term: until age 85 years

6 critical illnesses are 3 critical illnesses for the insured of all ages are (1) Invasive Cancer (2) Major Stroke (3) Acute Heart Attack and 3 specific diseases in childhood at the age 1 month 1 day – 5 years old are (4) Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever - Dengue shock syndrome : DSS (5) Acquired Hydrocephalus Requiring an External Shunt (6) Severe Asthma

**  Insured age 1 month 1 day – 5 years, the company compensates 80% of the expense of each item but not over maximum annual benefit

  • Insured by FWD Life Insurance Public Company Limited.
  • SCB is only an authorized broker.
  • Insurable guideline refer to Underwriting procedures of FWD Life Insurance Public Company Limited.
  • Buyers must understand the details of coverage and conditions before deciding to insure.