
Multi Claims

of Critical Illnesses

Gets return all the premium paid

if no major critical illness claim

Waiver of premium

if first diagnosed with major critical illness

Recovery Service

during Major Critical Illness

The premium is fixed

throughout the contract

Can be tax deductible

according to the notification

Suitable for

  • The person who concerns on Critical Illness, the plan providing you to deal with Critical Illness
  • Those looking for something that value for money, gets return all premium paid at the time of maturity (if no major critical illness claim during the policy period)
  • Insurable age 1 day – 60 year (depend on premium payment period) Coverage period until 75 years
  • You can select premium payment term for 5, 10, 15, or 20 years

*(Beginner to Intermediate maximum 3 times*and Severe level 3 times *)

  • Receive up to 3 lump sum payments* when detecting severe severe disease First time 100%
  • 2nd time pay 110% 3rd time pay 120% of insurance amount
  • Receive up to 3 times of sum assured* when detecting serious and moderate disease, 20% of the sum assured
  • Insured by FWD Life Insurance Public Company Limited.
  • SCB is only an authorized broker.
  • Insurable guideline refer to Underwriting procedures of FWD Life Insurance Public Company Limited.
  • Buyers must understand the details of coverage and conditions before deciding to insure.