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Pra-Gun-15/5 Pro Max (with Critical Illness coverage)
A life insurance plan with annual cash benefit every year and 3 critical illness coverage
Enjoy with cash return every year
4%* at the end of policy year 1-9 and 6%* at the end of policy year 10-14, total 14 times
Receive total cash benefit
Receive total cash benefit throughout the contract, total 578%*
Worry free
Waiver of premium if diagnosed with 1 of 3 critical illness** in policy year 1 - 3
Lump sum payment
Lump sum payment if diagnosed with 1 of 3 critical illness** in policy year 4-15
Waste free
gets return all the critical illness premium paid at the time of maturity if no critical illness claim during the policy period
Easy to apply
with 1 health question
* % of Sum Assured
** 3 Critical Illnesses i.e. Invasive Cancer, Major Stoke and Acute Heart Attack (please refer the definitions specified in the policy)
Qualification and Document Required
Qualification and Document Required
Pra-Gun-15/5 Pro Max (with Critical Illness coverage)
3 Critical Illnesses
Pra-Gun-15/5 Pro Max (with Critical Illness coverage)
3 Critical Illnesses
Contact at SCB Branch