Change of PA Insurer

Change of PA Insurer for Jak Jai Deposits to SCB Life Assurance a subsidiary of FWD Group, as of 16.30 hrs on 18 July 2020.

To inform the upcoming change of insurer for Jak Jai Savings Account to be FWD Life Insurance Public Company Limited, as from October 2020 onwards

To inform the upcoming change of insurer for Rompho Savings Account to be FWD Life Insurance Public Company Limited, as from October 2020 onwards

Product Detail

The concern from your heart to your loved one with a deposit account with an insurance from accidents, easy to get protection 24 hours a day worldwide.

Protection 24 hours a day worldwide

Protection 24 hours a day worldwide

With coverage of accident upon opening the account to get protection 24 hours a day worldwide.

Live Coverage of Accident 20 Times

Live Coverage of Accident 20 Times

Simple choice for the one you love, with live coverage of accident 20 times, up to 10 million baht.

Product Information

Document Required

Identity Verification

ID card (A foreigner using a passport and work permit), or a government official card, or a State Enterprise Employee Card

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