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Insurance claim service for SCB LET’S MORE campaign
SCB Mastercard debit cardholders who have enrolled insurance(s) with SCB LET’S MORE campaign. In case of insurance claim, please follow these steps.
Insurance claim service for SCB LET’S MORE campaign
SCB Mastercard debit cardholders who have enrolled insurance(s) with SCB LET’S MORE campaign. In case of insurance claim, please follow these steps.
2.Enter 16-digit SCB Mastercard debit card number that is used to receive insurance policy to ‘Enter your card number to begin’ Please read and accept the disclaimer and the terms and conditions by checking the checkbox, then select ‘PROCEED’
3.Website will show insurance option(s) for you to choose
(1) The options may vary by customer, depending on your selection during campaign period
(2) Expired insurance policy will not be shown
4.Follow and complete all steps as suggested on the website which may vary depending on each insurance option.