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Changes to 3 debit card limits
To change a debit card limit at an SCB ATM/CDM/VTM
1. Insert your debit card. Enter your PIN. Select “Others”
2. Select “Others/Change limit-PIN”
3. Select “Change limit”
4. Select a limit you wish to change:
“Card withdrawal limit”
“Card purchase limit”
“Online purchase limit”
5. Set a new limit by entering a number from the number pad and select “Correct.”
6. Check your transaction details and select “Confirm.”
To change a debit card limit via the SCB EASY App
As for the SCB EASY App, the feature is available on SCB EASY Version 3.52 or newer, and you can change a limit from February 18, 2022, onward.
1. Select “Accounts Summary”
2. Select “Debit & ATM cards”
3. Select a debit card for which you wish to change a limit.
4. Select “Services” and then “Manage card limit”
5. Select increase/decrease:
“Card withdrawal limit”
“Card purchase limit”
“Online purchase limit”
and tap “Done.”
To change a debit card limit via SCB EASY Net (
1. Log in to SCB EASY Net. Select “Card services,” “Debit Card,” and then “Set Card limit”
2. Enter a number for
“Card withdrawal limit”
“Card purchase limit”
“Online purchase limit”
and select “Next.”
3. Check your transaction details and select “Confirm.”
4. Select “OK.”
For more information, please visit or call the SCB Call Center at 02-777-7777.